Loyalty is the foundation of any relationship.
Loyalty is one of the most important values in our lives. Loyalty can make any relationship stronger, whether it is personal or professional. If there is loyalty, then your relationship will become successful and stable. It allows us to trust the people around us. But do they deserve our loyalty?
Whether it is friendship, romantic, or business, one of the traits that most people seek in any relationship is loyalty. However, there are some people who do not give more priority on it. Or sometimes they do not give enough of it. Staying devoted to the people you care about is the greatest thing that you can do for yourself as well as to the people you truly care. We’ve collected the best loyalty quotes that will prove how relevant loyalty is.
A Bit About Loyalty Quotes
If you are an avid fan of meaningful quotes, then you will surely enjoy reading these loyalty quotes. If you have loyal partners, friends, relatives, and family, then you are totally blessed. Having a true friend or partner is priceless! That is why it is also extremely rare!
What is loyalty?
Generally, loyalty refers to the person’s devotion towards a certain person, ideal, duty, country, or a cause. Loyalty can be shown in thought and action. Loyalty is a vital quality in any type of relationship. It provides a solid assurance to both parties. Loyalty quotes embody these facts.
Why is loyalty important?
When it comes to romantic relationships, loyalty means being able to trust your partner especially when you’re not around. No matter where you are, you will feel at peace knowing that your partner will not deceive you. You can talk to them for hours because you know that they are not thinking about someone else. Loyalty is not only important in a romantic relationship, but also in friendship or business. If you have a business, then you always want to satisfy your loyal customer.
What can we glean from loyalty quotes?
These loyalty quotes will help us realize the importance of being loyal to our friends, partner, or customers. Loyalty might be hard to define yet is it very easy to recognize. Loyalty permits us to be true to ourselves. Some people may deceive us, yet we still remain loyal to them.
The Best Loyalty Quotes That Can Make Your Bond Stronger
Loyalty takes a lot of commitment and dedication as well as trust and respect. These loyalty quotes will inspire you to be more devoted so you can have the best relationship.
1. Loyalty means giving me your honest opinion, whether you think I’ll like it or not. – General Colin Powell
When people decide to be loyal to each other, then there is a good relationship. They treat loyalty with high regard, in fact they consider it as the foundation of their relationship. However, it is important to know that being loyal towards a person does not necessarily mean that you have to please them all the time. Instead, you must be completely be honest with them, no matter if the truth hurts.
What’s more important in a relationship, honesty or loyalty? In these loyalty quotes, you will realize that honesty and loyalty will go hand in hand. Honest people tend to be loyal. Consequently, people who are loyal has the tendency to be honest. You can never trust loyal people who are dishonest because they have never been totally honest with you. On the other hand, honest people who are disloyal are just as bad. They will tell you bluntly that they’ve cheated on you.
Let’s accept the fact that people are not perfect. However, it is also important to be honest and loyal at the same time, as loyalty quotes suggest. For instance, if you do not have any feelings to your partner anymore, then you should let them know. It’s alright to tell them the truth. In this way, they will know that you’ve been loyal to them. Regardless if it hurts, but that’s life. Sometimes the truth hurts. In every relationship, you need both loyalty and honesty. Otherwise, you are just using the other person. It seems like you are in a game and you enjoy tormenting other people.
2. You cannot buy loyalty. You cannot buy the devotion of hearts, minds, and souls. You have to earn these things. – Clarence Francis
You cannot gain loyalty instantly. It is something that you must earn. You must work hard in order to earn one’s loyalty. However, if you decide to win loyalty through deception, for instance, giving compensations, then this loyalty is not genuine. It is weak and fictitious since it can only last as long as there are compensations.
How to earn loyalty? If you aspire to be a good leader, then there are a lot of ways that you can do in order to earn loyalty. You must let your employees know that the company is stable and doing well. This can be done by showing them good results. Although this is true, yet there is one simper method. Be a model of good attitude.”Do unto others as you would have done unto you.” Although this is a bit old, but it still works. If you show goodwill, then people will respect you. As a leader, people will observe you constantly. They will always remember what you did. If your team admires you, then most likely they will follow you.
If you want to build loyalty in your workplace, then you should bond and cooperate with your co-employees. You should not compete with each other. Instead, work hard so that the whole team will win. Share your success to your team. After all, without your team, you won’t become successful. Show them your appreciation by giving gifts or throwing a party. Be transparent in your decision making. This is a great way of bridging the gap between the management and the workers.
3. The only people to which I owe my loyalty are those who never made me question theirs. – Unknown
Loyalty is something that two or more people shared. If you offer your loyalty, then it should be reciprocated with honesty and genuineness. When there is loyalty in a relationship, there is also mutual understanding and respect. It is a decision made by two or more people. People who never left you during the bad times should also be there during the good times. You should not take loyal people for granted. They are the ones who will always offer you a helping hand every time you need it.
What does loyalty mean to you? Loyalty is a feeling of devotion or attachment towards something or somebody. For instance, a dog who has not been fed because the owner is partying remains loyal to his owner. Even if the dog does not get the care and attention that he needs, he remains loyal to his owner. Perhaps its because of fear, however, there is obviously some loyalty.
Sometimes there are emotions that are not told or perceptions that may not be vivid. However, giving your kindness and loyalty to others will show your real personality. When a person breaks his loyalty, he also breaks everything he ever believed in. During this time, he will get hurt or lose himself. Being disloyal means going against the person that you have always been. You have always been loyal to others and suddenly you turned your back on yourself and on the people you love and care. Losing yourself and losing loyalty to others is something that you have to come to terms with.
4. Loyalty isn’t grey. It’s black and white. You’re either loyal completely, or not loyal at all. – Sharnay
Among the values and principles of life, loyalty is the most important one. You only have two options. You can either choose to be loyal or not. It is something that is less dependent and subjective. In every aspect of your life, there is only black or white. It is something that provides you definite choices, no matter what you would like to do in your life. Loyalty does not possess too much variance. Unlike any other loyalty quotes, this particular quote tells you that you can either be loyal or you can’t be loyal. You can either choose to be loyal to your partner or you can choose to cheat them. Hurting them emotionally or physically is your own choice. You can either choose to support your best friend or not.
Since loyalty is considered as a black and white value of life, then you should evaluate the people in your life. Try to determine who are the people who are loyal to you and the ones who are not. If a person is not always loyal to you, then the best thing to do is to let them go. If you question someone’s loyalty to you, then its time to cut them out. If you are worried that the information you’ve shared to someone else will be used against you, then you should avoid these people. However, it does not mean that you will disrespect them. It only means that you’ve decided that they are no longer beneficial to you.
5. Loyalty cannot be blueprinted. It cannot be produced on an assembly line. In fact, it cannot be manufactured at all, for its origin is the human heart – the center of self-respect and human dignity. – Maurice R. Franks
Of our list of loyalty quotes, this one suggests that loyalty is not only a value but its also an emotion. That is why, it is quite hard to actually define it rationally. However, the fact remains that loyalty originates from within. It emanates an inner power. Loyalty is something that cannot be manufactured or fabricated. Keep in mind that its main foundation is honesty.Loyalty quotes are so powerful. Loyalty can make people feel emotional. It is defined as an intense feeling of support or adherence. It is knowing that someone is looking after your best interest. When it comes to a romantic relationship, there is more to loyalty. It is now more on fidelity or compatibility. When you remain loyal to your partner, even if they made mistakes, you can still remain friends after the wound is healed. If you are loyal to a person, then you would not allow anything that can harm them.
Sometimes loyalty also involves a bit of self-sacrifice. However, it does not look for apparent recognition. With true loyalty, there is a command of respect. It is knowing that whatever they say or do, they do it out of love. How is loyalty revealed in a relationship? A loyal partner is someone who is honest, regardless if it hurts one or both of you. A person who is dishonest is only loyal to the lies that they’ve spoken.
Loyalty means giving a part of yourself freely towards another person in order to satisfy their needs. It does not matter if the other party will do the same for you. Sometimes the evidence of loyalty can be felt on the quality of treatment that you received after giving them yourself.
6. Don’t let your loyalty become slavery. If they don’t appreciate what you bring to the table, let them eat alone. – Unknown
In order to have a healthy and happy life, there should be balance in everything that you do. It is also much the same with loyalty. When there is loyalty, there should also be respect and appreciation. If the relationship does not have any of these, then it can become bitter. The worst thing is it could lead to slavery.
You should avoid being too loyal to someone to a point that you become a slave to them. For instance, a loyal customer continues to stick with the company even if they did something which the customer disagrees. If you are no longer happy, then you are not obliged so stay with them. This obligation can turn you into a slave rather than a respected customer. Sometimes you will lose your self-respect if you do something out of obligation.
If you are too loyal to a person, then most likely they will use you. Or perhaps they will ask you to do some things which you don’t want to. Keep in mind, that there should be a line between self-respect and being too loyal to someone.
Loyalty is considered as a good trait or quality. It is very important in romantic relationships, friendships, and business relationships. However, being too loyal to someone may not always be a good thing. Loyalty has a lot of benefits. When you are loyal to someone, you will earn their trust, admiration, and appreciation. It can come from your lover, friend, relative, or your boss. However, it also has some negative effects. For instance, if you are being too loyal to someone, then you could lose your own judgement. It feels like they will be the ones who will decide what’s best for you.
7. Loyalty and friendship, which is to me the same, created all the wealth that I’ve ever thought I’d have. – Ernie Banks
Sometimes when you look back at your life, you’ll realize that the things that made your life colorful are the beautiful memories. It could be the memories you had with your friends, relatives, or lover. Friendship and loyalty are related to each other since they are the best things that can make you happy.
What does this quote mean? This quote states that there is a similarity between loyalty and friendship. Can you still consider a disloyal person your friend? Maybe not. How about a loyal person who is not your friend? If they are being loyal to a certain concept, does this mean that they could also be loyal to you? Loyalty and friendship are two different words. However, they are a bit too close that is why they can be considered as similar.
The last part of this quote talks about the wealth that he never thought he had. The wealth mentioned here does not pertain to his bank account. Rather, it is the richness of the spirit and the heart which can only be filled by loyal friends. It seems that there is a reciprocity in their friendship. Aside from being loyal to his friends, his friends are also loyal to him. These are the riches that are truly priceless. Loyalty quotes are all about mutual friendship and lasting loyalty to each other.
This loyalty quote is all about showing your friends that you are truly loyal to them. You are always there for them and you appreciate them. They fill your heart with so much riches, more than you could have imagined.
8. Those who don’t know the value of loyalty can never appreciate the cost of betrayal. – Unknown
Some people do not value loyalty as they should even if their intuition tells them to do so. Most often, they only realize the importance of loyalty once they are betrayed. The betrayal may come from a person or from an ideal. Losing someone’s loyalty because of betrayal is a great loss. It entails the loss of friendship and respect.
Why is loyalty important? People need each other. This is something that is inevitable. You need the help of other people in order to become successful. You can learn a lot from other people’s experiences. Hence, you cannot go through in this life without the help of other people. Perhaps you are not sure what are their intentions. Will they stick with you through the bad times? You are not even sure if they will betray you. You are not even sure if you can trust them. Obviously, you will always have your family who will always be loyal to you no matter what the circumstance is. Your family will always be there to love you, trust you and stay loyal to you, whether you like it or not.
Having a family to love you seems to be a natural thing. However, having a complete stranger love you, trust you, and be loyal to you is something else. This is something more real since this is not your family. You know that your family will always be loyal to you. However, obtaining loyalty from complete strangers is something beautiful since you earned that loyalty.
9. I don’t like to give up on people when they need someone not to give up on them. – Carrol Bryant
There are some people who are always loyal and compassionate. They would never betray the people who trust them. However, there are also others who will just walk away from the people who need them. Which of these do you think you are? You need to meditate in order to discover where you stand.
Loyalty means that you have to stick to your friends or your loved ones, especially during the lowest point of their lives. People need somebody during those tough times. This is the perfect time to show your love and support for them. You should never give up on them because this is the time that they need you the most. Always remember that loyalty is a two-way street.
Should you give up on the people you love? You should not give up on the persons you love, most especially if they love you unconditionally. These people are the ones who have been there for you especially when you needed them the most. They are willing to sacrifice their own needs and they won’t even make you feel that they did.
Loyal friends are the ones who will make you aware of your mistakes but will never left you. It’s simply because they always want to be with you. They might fight with you or get angry with you yet they will always comfort you. True friends will always have your back, always willing to listen and support you. Hence, it’s only right that you should stick with them. Help them with their lives and never ever give up on them!
10. Any person who deserves my loyalty receives it. – Joyce Maynard
Everybody wants to gain loyalty from the people around them. However, nobody can force them to be loyal to you. Loyalty should be earned. One of the ways that you can earn loyalty is to be honest and loyal yourself. Loyalty is something that will come out naturally between two or more honest people.
But who actually deserves your loyalty? There is no doubt that loyalty is truly valuable. When you are loyal to someone or something, you should stick with them. You will always go out of your way to say nice things about them. Or defend them whenever possible. After you’ve shown your loyalty, you also hope that it would be reciprocated.
But how about the people who requires your loyalty but don’t deserve it? What if they promise something and they don’t deliver, should you still remain loyal to them? What if they will take you for granted, should you reward them your loyalty? What if that person is someone who is very close to you? Of course, it’s alright to give them allowances. However, if they still continue to disregard your loyalty, perhaps it’s time that you should talk to them.
Consequently, if you are loyal to a certain company, product or service, then you tend to remain as a loyal consumer. Maybe you will show your loyalty by telling your friends about them, most especially if they will ask your opinion. However, if the company has done something that is unethical or illegal, then they don’t deserve your loyalty. Loyalty quotes show us that loyalty is earned.
Which of these loyalty quotes is your favorite?
Loyalty is something that you should earn. It is important to have loyal people around you because you will know who are those who will stick with you through thick and thin. Loyalty quotes show us exactly why this trait is so important in any type of relationship.
We hope that these loyalty quotes have inspired you to be loyal to yourself and to other people as well. How do you show your loyalty? Please feel free to leave a comment below, we’d love to hear it.
Show your appreciation to your loyal friends and family who have stayed by your side. Share with them these inspiring loyalty quotes!
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Tina Gray is a freelance journalist, theatre enthusiast and aspiring author. She has a passion for telling stories through various mediums and regularly writes for various online publications. Her short stories will soon be published in her first volume. Currently, she resides in the San Fernando Valley and is studying screenwriting.
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