Imagine your dream body once you lose weight.
Let’s be honest, being overweight isn’t fun, but we have a few of the best weight loss quotes to help you out. If you have embraced your size, you might still be uncomfortable with your looks. Body positivity is great, but having a larger frame is difficult. It’s a challenge to find clothes to wear, and when you do, it usually costs more than the smaller sizes. Not to mention that most things aren’t made to accommodate big people. Things like chairs, airplane seats, life jackets and more are a struggle to get into. So, if you’re ready to leave obesity behind, keep reading.
These Are the Best Weight Loss Quotes for Motivation
If you’re in a rut, you need to find the best weight loss quotes out there to get you motivated. Losing weight isn’t easy, and as with anything that’s challenging, you need inspiration sometimes. Dieting and exercise is something that a lot of people have battled with. But more importantly, there are tons of success stories out there from folks who have jumped over the hurdle. Luckily for you, that means the internet is filled with some of the best weight loss quotes for slimming down. If you’re looking for some encouragement, this post has got you covered. It’s time to start grinding towards your goal and excuses are not allowed. You might not have a personal fitness, but these are the best weight loss quotes you can read to help you get into shape.
1. Losing weight is hard. Being fat is hard. Pick your hard.
This is one of the best weight loss quotes ever because it just tells it like it is. Sure losing weight is a struggle but so is carrying extra pounds. If we’re being honest, being plus size is difficult, and it’s actually more of a burden than losing weight. It might take you six months to drop the pounds, but the scale won’t go down if you don’t take action. So with that said, push through the dieting process and get the body you deserve.
2. A little progress each day adds up to big results.
You didn’t gain all of your weight overnight, and you won’t lose it overnight. If you’re making a lifestyle change, you might feel as though you have to quit your old habits cold turkey. But actually, all it takes is a little effort each day, and it’ll add up to significant results. You can start by drinking more water, or having one healthy meal a day. And if you dislike exercising, incorporate it in a fun way; go dancing or ride your bike around the neighborhood. A little bit of effort goes a long way.
3. It’s a slow process but quitting won’t speed it up .
It’s always discouraging to look down at the scale and see no improvements, especially after you’ve worked so hard. Unfortunately, weight loss is one of those things that takes consistency. You can’t start and stop and expect to get the results you want. And you have to remember that everyone’s body is different. So, you might look at before and after pictures where people dropped 15 pounds in two weeks. However, you might not have those types of results, but it doesn’t mean you won’t have results at all. Stay the course, and you reap the reward.
4. This month’s choices are next month’s body.
If you’re a person who likes to push off dieting and exercise until “tomorrow”, you likely won’t achieve your weight loss goals. The next day will come and go, and your rebuttal is always “I’ll start later.” Well, that type of thinking will leave you stuck in a jean size that you don’t want to be in. The decisions you make now are the results you’ll have down the line. Do something today that your body will thank you for later.
5. Fat lasts longer than flavor.
It’s hard to say no to delicious food, especially when you’re stressed or feeling unsatisfied from eating clean. But you have to remember that fat last longer that flavor. Have you ever cheated on your diet and afterwards felt like it wasn’t worth it? Sure you ate a scrumptious meal, but you derailed your progress as a result of it. It would help if you tried writing a down a list of reasons as to why you want to lose weight. Whenever you’re tempted with poor food choices, pull that list out and read it.
6. Eat for the body you want, not the body you have.
This next piece of advice from the best weight loss quotes list ties directly into number six. If you feel down in the dumps about your weight, it’s easy yo hump your shoulders and continue to eat poorly. Or maybe you feel self-conscious about eating a salad because that lets everyone know you’re trying to lose weight. The things is, you have to envision yourself at your goal weight. And although you might not be there yet, your eating habits are the stepping stone to helping you get into a two-piece. Don’t’ settle for fast foods and meals that will keep you overweight. Eat yourself to a brand new body.
7. The pain of being overweight is far worse than the pain of working out.
Carrying around extra weight creates numerous problems. Firstly, your health is affected by it, and also your quality of life. Additional pounds hinder your fitness level, your energy and other areas of your life. And exercising might make you sore and achy the next day, but it’s nothing compared to being overweight. And whether you’re 20 pounds or 200 pounds heavier than you’d like to be, it will cause you discomfort. Think about that this quote the next time you’re dreading going to the gym.
8. Let exercise be your stress relief, not food.
It feels good to sit in front of the television with a carton of ice cream after a long day. Maybe that’s where the phrase comfort food comes from because delicious food feels like a companion during stressful times. The problem with that is unhealthy foods slow down your weight loss goals. Not only that but, stress is a normal part of life, so if you run to food everytime something goes wrong, that’s an issue. What if you channeled the energy of your bad day into an incredible workout? Grab your headphones and doing kickboxing or run a mile. But whatever you do, don’t try to eat your problems away.
9. One pound at a time.
Out of all of the phrases from this list of the best weight loss quotes, this one sums it up. You have to take your journey of losing weight with ease. If you look at how many pounds you want to drop in total, you might get discouraged. But if you break it down into small, achievable goals, you’ll have a better chance of succeeding, Take a look at your end goal, and write down the steps you plan to take to get there.
10. Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.
When it’s all said and done, your ability to lose weight boils down to a firm decision. You have to make up your mind and not let anything stand in your way. You desire to change your body have to be stronger than the temptation of cake, burgers, and pasta. Once you’ve decided that getting healthy is more important than laying on the couch, you’ll start to see results. Listen, we understand that changing your habits is challenging, but it’s worth it. Do what you have to do to become a better version of yourself.
Do You Think These Are the Best Weight Loss Quotes For Encouragement?
Did you enjoy reading this list of the best weight loss quotes? We hope you feel inspired to drop those pounds and get your dream body. We understand that living a healthy lifestyle is challenging, but it’s also worth it. Our goal with putting these quotes together was to give you that extra push that you need to crush your fitness goals.
There are plenty of people out there who could benefit from this list, so please share it on social media and don’t forger to leave a comment below.
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Anna works as a full-time writer and editor and has devoted the last ten years of her career to assisting readers in improving their perspective on life. She is a Cultural Studies graduate and now contributes to Good Morning Quotes by sharing her traveling experiences and social knowledge with our readers. When she is not typing up her next article, Anna enjoys spending time with friends, visiting new places, and supporting a healthy lifestyle.
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