Reading these insomnia quotes can help you fall asleep.
Are you having trouble going to sleep? Well, you are not alone. This can happen to anyone. Sometimes even if we are very tired, we still cannot sleep. Insomnia quotes reveal that the reason for insomnia may vary. Insomnia is the medical term for one’s inability to sleep. One of the major causes of sleeplessness is stress which can cause us emotional disturbances and ultimately make us unable to sleep.
There are several circumstances in our life that can make us feel distressed. For instance, if you are experiencing a recent breakup and you constantly think about it. In order for us to get a good night sleep, our mind needs to be fresh. However, if you are constantly in stress, then your mind can never relax. Reading these insomnia quotes is a great help!
A Bit About Insomnia Quotes
This post about insomnia quotes is especially dedicated to people who are insomniacs. Sometimes when our thoughts are taking control of our sleep, we find ourselves awake all night long. There are a lot of people who have experienced this kind of situation. These insomnia quotes can help you gain more understanding about insomnia.
What is insomnia?
Insomnia is a certain condition that occurs when a person is having difficulty in sleeping or staying asleep. People who are suffering from insomnia will not feel satisfied with their sleep. As a result, they will suffer from fatigue, changes in mood, lesser energy, inefficient performance, and having difficulty in concentrating on the things that they do.
What can we glean from insomnia quotes?
Most people are having issues in sleeping. These insomnia quotes can help people who have trouble getting any sleep. This can give them enough knowledge and understanding of how to deal with it. It is important for us to get enough sleep so we can keep our mind and body healthy. You should get sufficient sleep on a regular schedule so you can feel relaxed when you wake up.
Insomnia Quotes to Help You Sleep Better
For people who are insomniacs, they tend to stay up all night. They feel that the night is too long. They would lie in bed and when daylight comes, they go to sleep. Sometimes you can’t sleep because you keep on thinking about your loved one. Or maybe you are busy thinking about all the things that happened the whole day and you want to make plans for tomorrow. This collection of insomnia quotes can help in making you feel better.
1. “Insomnia is a vertiginous lucidity that can convert paradise itself into a place of torture.” – Emil Cioran
Insomnia quotes will help you understand that it is important that you should empty your minds before going to bed. You need to release all your thoughts, worries, problems and plans so you can enjoy a deep and relaxing sleep. As what Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Finish each day before you begin the next, and interpose a solid wall of sleep between the two.”
Does insomnia disturb you in the middle of the night? Do you encounter any problem in falling asleep or staying asleep? Do you feel like there is no way that you can ever go to sleep? If so, then you are suffering from insomnia. For most people, insomnia can destroy their lives. It can make them feel exhausted, which is why they are having trouble falling asleep. Most often, they only have a few hours of sleep. However, there are a lot of ways that can help you get a good night’s sleep so you can function effectively during the day.
When it’s time for sleeping, most of us use our phones, tablets, or watch television. We think that using these gadgets can help us fall asleep. But we are not aware that using screens can prevent us from falling asleep. According to some scientists and researchers, the blue light from our phones and tablets can prevent the hormones from our bodies to tell us that it’s time to go to sleep. It’s best to turn off your gadgets at least 30 minutes before going to sleep. Rather than using your phones and tablets, you can do some relaxing activity such as meditation.
2. “The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep.” – W. C. Fields
There are a lot of reasons why people are having trouble falling asleep. Fortunately, sleeping problems can be solved without using any medication. Actually, there are no guaranteed natural treatments for insomnia. However, there are effective ways that you can do to help you fall asleep.
First, you need to examine yourself. Do you feel uncomfortable? Maybe your mattress or pillow is very soft or very firm. Or your bed has been worn-out. These things can prevent you from having a good night’s sleep. The best thing to do is to check your mattress and bed. You might also consider buying new pillows. Or you could visit an osteopathic physician who can help you in getting a good night sleep.
One of the reasons that you can’t sleep is because your mind is overactive. If you can’t sleep because there are a lot of things in your mind, then you could try a relaxing breath. This can help you in keeping your thoughts away from your mind. You could also do a few stretches. Sometimes when we frequently get up to urinate, we find it hard to get back to sleep again. The best solution is to avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime.
If these experiments did not work, then you can try reading a book or you could do some light stretching. However, you should avoid watching the clock or worrying about insufficient sleep. Just try to keep your mind away from the problem so you can relax and go back to sleep again.
3. “Sleep is such a luxury, which I can’t afford.” – Robin Sikarwar
For some people, they always think that sleep is a luxury that they can’t afford. And finally, when you’ve got the rest that you’ve always needed, it can make you feel lazy or self-indulgent. March 15 is declared as World Sleep Day and one of their objectives is to change the people’s understanding that sleep is only meant for the weak. Sleep educators from different parts of the world are trying to remind us that sleep is vital in our life. It’s not actually a luxurious lifestyle for the lazybones.
Sleep is actually an essential part of your health. You can eat a well-balanced diet and do a regular exercise but if you do not have a good night sleep then all your efforts will just be wasted. Sometimes due to your busy lifestyle, you are not getting adequate sleep. Most people are complaining that they don’t have time to get sufficient sleep. Or they can’t seem to shut off their mind that is why they are having a hard time sleeping.
But the truth is if you choose to stay up late at night in order to finish all your work, then most likely you will be less effective the next day. Additionally, if you do this regularly, then you will constantly be performing below your true potential. This can be very damaging for you as well as for your company. As much as possible try to motivate yourself into getting those additional hours of sleep. Do you know that lack of sleep can make you look unattractive?
4. “If you can’t sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there worrying. It’s the worry that gets you, not the lack of sleep.” – Dale Carnegie
Have you experienced that dilemma when you woke up in the middle of the night and then you’re having a hard time going back to sleep again? Should you choose to stay in bed or would you rather get up and do something? Sometimes getting out of bed is not something that you would like to consider if you are all snug under the comforter. It would be so much easier if you’ll just tell yourself that you’ll just stay in bed and wait until you’ll fall asleep again.
But what if you can’t go back to sleep again? You’ll just waste your time tossing and turning around. The worst thing is if you’ll just waste your time staring at the ceiling, the more you will feel disappointed about not getting back to sleep again. The best thing to do is to follow the quarter-of-an-hour rule. Hence, if it has been quarter-of-an-hour and you are still in bed, then you need to get out of bed.
Rather than waiting when you are going to fall asleep, it would be worthwhile to do something that can make you feel more relaxed. You could try reading a book or listening to music. This can give your mind something to focus on instead of worrying why you can’t get to sleep. Focusing your attention on a particular task can help you get more relaxed. Doing repetitive activities such as knitting is also highly recommended. By the time that you are already getting sleepy, then it’s time to go back to bed.
5. “I only sleep with people I love, which is why I have insomnia.” – Emilie Autumn
With insomnia quotes, we will learn that having responsive partners can contribute to having a good night sleep. The best and the most effective way of reducing our anxiety is to have a partner that can make us feel that we are always protected and comforted. According to a recent study, people can sleep better if they are sleeping with their loving partners who are always responsive to their needs.
According to researchers, there is a connection between the responsiveness of a partner and sleeping better. They discovered that people who feel that they are loved are less likely to feel depressed. As a result, this can help them get enough rest at night. Based on this research, Dr. Emre Selcuk and his colleagues suggest that these findings can help therapists who are attempting to cure people who have sleeping problems.
They proclaimed, “The inherently interdependent nature of adult romantic relationships means that romantic partners, as well as perceptions of one’s romantic partner, play a meaningful role in promoting better health and well-being.” Furthermore, they revealed, “Our findings suggest that enhancing perceived partner responsiveness has the potential to increase the effectiveness of interventions designed to reduce sleep disturbances in particular and improve individual well-being in general.”
It is well known worldwide that having a good night sleep can be advantageous to our physical health. However, ‘restorative sleep’, will give someone a sense of protection, assurance, and security. Most of all, you won’t feel any intimidations. When we were still a child, protection is provided by our parents. As we become adults, our romantic partners give as reassurance.
6. “He would lie in the bed and finally, with daylight, he would go to sleep. After all, he said to himself, it is probably only insomnia. Many must have it.” – Ernest Hemingway
These insomnia quotes show us that anyone can suffer insomnia. Ernest Hemingway is one of those famous authors of the American modern literature who tackles the meaningless and hopeless of this world. In “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,” he described how an elderly man finds his life terrible. He felt depressed since even if he is affluent, he is miserably deaf. That is why he spends most of his nights drinking at a cafe.
It is evident that this old man has lost meaning and hope in his life since one of the waiters revealed that he tried to commit suicide. The waiter also believed that this old man should not feel frustrated since he is wealthy. However, this is not always the case. Even if you are wealthy, it cannot make you feel satisfied at all.
An older waiter, who defended the old man, seems to be in the same situation also. He cannot find any hope and meaning in his life since he loves to stay up late at night. He even told the young waiter that he has nothing. The older waiter confronts his frustration by staying up all night and sleeping at daytime. This is because he is “reluctant to close up because there may be someone who needs the cafe.”
“He would lie in the bed and finally, with daylight, he would go to sleep. After all, he said to himself, it is probably only insomnia. Many must have it.” This old waiter is trying to comprehend the circumstances why some people have to stay up all night.
7. “In its early stages, insomnia is almost an oasis in which those who have to think or suffer darkly take refuge.” – Colette
Insomnia quotes will help us understand what insomnia really is! Generally, insomnia also means having a night of poor sleep. Each of us might have experienced it. However, insomniacs seem to be the ones who experience it every night. Anyone who suffered from insomnia even for one night knows that this is a great struggle.
Whether you can get to sleep quickly but then you keep on waking up or you stay awake all night long, this is something that must be addressed. Some people thought that they are not insomniac since they get to sleep more than 8 hours a day and they are still having a hard time waking up the next day. Perhaps you might not think that you’re just fine since your sleep is fine. However, no matter what the issue is, it needs to be addressed.
Maybe you might have experienced insomnia before but have felt so much better now. Now you can sleep better but you can’t fall into deep sleep. Actually, this is much better than just lying on your bed thinking endlessly. If you feel tired all the time, then it’s best to visit your doctor. Most likely, they will give you some vital information or possibly give you some medication for it. If you are suffering from stress, then they will refer you to a therapist.
If you really want to get enough sleep, then why don’t you consider resetting your bedroom. Do you do your work in your bedroom? The bedroom is only meant for sleeping and nothing else. You should not do other things in your bed other than sleeping.
8. “Am I sleeping? Have I slept at all? This is insomnia.” – Chuck Palahniuk
Are you having struggles in falling asleep? No worries, there are many ways that you can do to help you fall asleep. First of all, spend at least 30 minutes doing something relaxing before going to bed. Reading a good book or reading insomnia quotes can be a great help. You might also consider dimming the lights in your house particularly in your bedroom for an hour or so before you go to sleep.
One of the main reasons why we are having a hard time sleeping is because we keep on using our gadgets such as phones, tablets, or laptops. Keep in mind that the light from the screens of these electronic devices can alert your brain. Hence, it will much harder for you to go to sleep. The best way that you can get a good night sleep is to calm your mind. You can accomplish this by doing some breathing or relaxing exercise.
If you have been lying in bed for 15 to 20 minutes and you can’t fall asleep, then you should get up and do a relaxing activity. You might want to listen to music. Do these activities in any part of your house except near your bed. Your bed should only be used for sleeping and it should only be filled with sleepy thoughts. As much as possible try to wake up the same time each day including weekends and holidays. Regardless, if you are feeling tired in the morning or you are having a hard time falling asleep. This can help your body adjust, and at the same time, this can help you in falling asleep at night.
9. “I’m an insomniac, my mind works the night shift.” – Pete Wentz
Nobody wants to have insomnia. Sometimes you want to sleep however your brain wants to do something else. Whether you are having trouble falling asleep or you’ve slept for a while then find yourself waking up in the middle of the night or you just lay there wide awake, you are not alone. Fortunately, there are several treatments for insomnia which have successfully cured former insomniacs.
Different people have different ways of combatting insomnia. The key to fighting insomnia is actually mindfulness. Sometimes it is our busy minds that keep us awake at night. The more we try to stop thinking, the more our thoughts get disturbed and this can result in insomnia. Mindfulness will help us concentrate so we can gather our thoughts and eventually relax our body. This is the perfect formula for having a good night’s rest.
Maybe you might not fall asleep right away, however, by practicing mindfulness each day, you can let go of your thoughts and eventually get a night of natural sleep. Avoid getting yourself carried away by those past regrets or getting yourself busy creating those to-do lists for the following day. As time passed by, you will eventually know how to develop mindfulness so you can enjoy having a good night’s sleep.
Always remember that your bed should only be used for sleeping. Never watch TV or use your phones, tablets, or laptops in your bedroom. Never go to bed unless it’s time for you to sleep. Practice this method and you won’t suffer from insomnia ever again.
10. “You are the biggest enemy of your own sleep.” – Pawan Mishra
Do you know that you are your own worst enemy when it comes to falling asleep? Sometimes after having a long day at work, you go home then have a shower. Finally, you are ready to have a moment for yourself. However, this also means that you have to watch an episode of your favorite show. Of course, you’ll just tell yourself that this is just a little indulgence that you deserve since you will be starting a new day all over again tomorrow.
But the problem is, one episode does not satisfy you. You want to watch another episode and then another. Obviously, the whole time, you were aware that if you really want to get a good night sleep you should stop watching the show and close your laptop. So, you give yourself a time limit. You must put it away by midnight. But when midnight comes, you did not feel tired at all. Perhaps it’s because according to research the screens on your phones, laptops, and tablets can restrain melatonin, a certain hormone that helps in improving sleep.
It’s already very late, yet you keep on telling yourself that it’s late anyway. The problem is you are going to get tired tomorrow. By now, you are already aware of your behavior and you know that you can counteract it. So, you put a limit to yourself. However, you still practice the same pattern occasionally. Obviously, it’s so easy to keep on watching since you’ll just wait for a few seconds then the next episode will load automatically. But unfortunately, on the next day, you will feel tired.
Did these insomnia quotes help you in sleeping better?
We carefully picked these insomnia quotes to help you fall asleep. We hope it worked. If not, then maybe this last paragraph can help. Just say, no more insomnia, I am sleepy, I have no more sleeping problems. That’s it!
If these insomnia quotes have helped you in falling asleep, then please share them on your social media to help others too! If you have some insomnia treatments that you want to share then don’t hesitate to write them on the comments below.
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Anna works as a full-time writer and editor and has devoted the last ten years of her career to assisting readers in improving their perspective on life. She is a Cultural Studies graduate and now contributes to Good Morning Quotes by sharing her traveling experiences and social knowledge with our readers. When she is not typing up her next article, Anna enjoys spending time with friends, visiting new places, and supporting a healthy lifestyle.
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