Start chasing your dreams now…
Are you an extremely ambitious person? These ambition quotes are for ambitious people who tend to work hard so they can pursue their dreams. However, as we try to reach our goals, challenges in life can get in the way. Sometimes this is the reason why we lose focus on our ambition. Sometimes if we are too distracted, the tendency is our dreams can die.
Hence, here we will give you various ambition quotes to uplift your spirit. It can help you regain your strength so you can get back in achieving your goals. So, if you feel down and you need some inspiration, then all you have to do is remind yourself of these quotes about ambition.
A Bit About Ambition Quotes
These ambition quotes depict ones eagerness to achieve something. Ambition is an important element in life if you want to be successful. If you don’t have any ambition, then your life will stay the same just like everyone else. Ambition should be accompanied with action so it can succeed. All of us have our own ambition. Unfortunately, only a few people are really doing something about it.
Are you an ambitious person?
If you are the kind of person who constantly strives in order to reach your goal, then you can consider yourself an ambitious person. Persons who have ambitions in their life work hard and are devoted to achieving their dreams. They don’t easily give up. In fact, they try to push themselves in order to succeed.
What can we glean from ambition quotes?
Are ambition and success the same? Ambitious people strive hard so they can become successful. Most often, they push themselves to work harder so they can become more successful. These ambition quotes can help you succeed. They can inspire you to focus on your passion.
Ambition Quotes That Can Inspire You To Keep Moving Forward
In order to become successful, you must have an ambition. At the same time, you should also have focus and determination. These ambition quotes are the best source of inspiration. They incorporate the wisdom of those who have strive hard and accomplished their goals in life.
1. “Ambition is enthusiasm with a purpose.” – Frank Tyger
Some people viewed ambition as a negative aspect of life instead of a positive one. However, without ambition, people wouldn’t be able to achieve great things. Ambition quotes thought us that ambition can be beneficial to us. Ambitious people know exactly what they want. They have transparent goals and they work very hard in order to achieve them. If you have an ambition, then you wouldn’t mind the challenges that come with it. It’s because you know that these are essential to help you gain more knowledge.
Ambitious people possess strong determination. They know what they are going to do in order to reach their dreams. They quickly grab opportunities that come their way. Your growth and development will likely depend on your ambition. Nobody will be able to succeed if they do not have any ambition. Those who want more from their life tend to do more. These people have a solid purpose and it is what drives them to dream bigger. Ambition can drive people to go further so they can accomplish their goals.
Furthermore, ambition must also be supported by values. It gives you substantial confidence to help you see your future clearly. As we approach our dreams, we can see the brightness in our eyes. Our constant enthusiasm for fulfilling things can inspire and motivate other people too.
Keep in mind that being ambitious does not necessarily mean that you have insufficient values. Some people think that ambitious people are manipulative since they are capable of harming other people. Undoubtedly, there are others who are capable of doing anything in order to get what they want regardless if they hurt someone. However, there are also some people who do their best to achieve their goals at the same time they also do good things.
2. “The starting point of all achievement is desire.” – Napoleon Hill
Ambition quotes are about achieving great things in life. However, no matter what you want to accomplish in your life, your ability to attain these things will greatly depend on your thoughts. The fact is, anyone has the power to accomplish anything they want in life. Isn’t it inspiring? Our thoughts are very powerful. But how many of us give up our ambition before we even get the chance to fight for it? Regardless what you want in life, you must have the desire to attain it.
Actually, Napoleon Hill has a lot of amazing quotes, but so far this one seems to be one of the greatest ambition quotes. What makes this quote unique? Well, its because these words reflect the truth. Desire is the driving force that can make you achieve your dreams. It is a fact that desire is significant, however, there are still some things that hold us back. These things are the ones that keep us from fulfilling our ambition. Hence, we must be able to break free from these habits that hold us back.
In Napoleon Hill’s book “Think And Grow Rich”, he revealed that fear is what stops us from achieving our goals. Sometimes we fear the things that are about to happen rather than the actual circumstance. The worse thing is if we keep on reminding ourselves about that fear then it can consume our lives. If we are struggling with fear especially when we are in our difficult situations such as having financial difficulties, then our desire would gradually disappear. However, if you can overcome your fear, then you can certainly accomplish anything you want.
3. “A man’s worth is no greater than his ambitions.” – Marcus Aurelius
Ambition actually comes from the Latin word “ambitio”, which means “to go around or about.” This means that you go around to solicit votes so you can obtain power and fame. A person who has an ambition has a strong desire to succeed. Ambition actually consists of two things. First and foremost, you must have the desire to attain your goal. The second thing is, you must possess the determination and motivation to strive hard in order to accomplish these goals even if it means confronting failures and other adversities.
Although there are some people who accomplish things just for the sake of accomplishing them. Or perhaps for the sake of learning new skills and abilities. While ambitious people are working hard to fulfill their dreams because they are looking forward to the reward of their achievement which could either be power, honor, fame, or wealth. At the same time, this can elevate their status in society.
Sometimes ambition is often confused with hope. Hope is actually one’s desire for achieving something accompanied by the anticipation that it could possibly happen. Contrary to ambition wherein one has the desire for its attainment combined with enthusiasm to strive hard for its achievement. Hence, ambition is likely more specific than hope. The contrast of hope is fear or despair. While the opposite of ambition is the absence of ambition which is not quite negative.
Most often, ambitious people are labeled as greedy. However, greed is actually destructive while ambition can actually make you prosper.
4. “Don’t be afraid to be ambitious about your goals. Hard work never stops. Neither should your dreams.” – Dwayne Johnson
When Dwayne Johnson was 14 years old, he and his family were forced to move out of their residence. Now, he is considered one of the most highly recognized celebrities in the world. He started off as an athlete in school, then became a college football player. Ultimately, he became one of the world’s most popular wrestling stars and was popularly known as “The Rock”. After a while, Johnson became interested in acting. He had a lot of successful movies, which is why it is not surprising that Forbes recognized him as the 2016 highest-paid actor in the world.
Unexpectedly, Johnson became very successful in almost all aspect of his life. However, even if has already achieved fame, he remains humble and charming. This is why his fans adored him. He continues to work hard as if it is his first day in his career. Johnson admits that he is motivated by his own success. There are a lot of things that we can learn from Johnson including his dedication to his work as well as his self-discipline. Truly a great inspiration to all of us. This is one of the most inspiring ambition quotes that can motivate us to work hard and to remain humble despite the success that we’ve already attained.
One of the things that most young people don’t have right now is a big ambition. Perhaps they are afraid to think big and let the world know that they want to accomplish great things because they don’t want to look silly if they fail. Although it does make sense, however, this is unhealthy and can hinder your personal growth.
5. “Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.” – Salvador Dalí
Each of us has our own ambition. Maybe you want to become a doctor, lawyer, teacher, painter, scientist, dancer, singer, or whatever you want to be. Even if you are an intelligent person and you don’t have any ambition, then it’s useless. Ambition is what drives you to use your intelligence. And what does “ambition” actually means? It is actually a person’s strong desire to accomplish something in life.
Can you imagine a bird without wings? Obviously, they can’t fly anywhere. If they can’t fly, then they won’t be able to look for food. This means that they can’t survive without their wings. Ultimately, they can never enjoy their life. They will get stuck in one place waiting to die. This is just similar to a person who has no ambition. If you choose to stay in your house to hang out with your friends after finishing a degree, then you can never be successful in your life. You might be the smartest person in your school but sad to say you did not apply the things you have learned to your life.
Actually, there are two types of persons in this world. A person who is intelligent but does not have any ambition and a person who has sufficient knowledge but full of ambition. If you are intelligent, then you should make use of it. Right? You can quickly get a high paying job if you are smart. Since you have a lot of money, then you would be able to buy your own car or house. You can get a chance to travel to different places and enjoy life!
6. “Ambition beats genius 99 percent of the time.” – Jay Leno
How can you distinguish the most successful from the rest of us? Some say that those who were able to reach their dreams are the ones who treat people nicely. However, a few people claim the greatest influencers are the ones who are intelligent. Being smart, charming, or lucky can likely help when you are trying to accomplish great things in life. But there is one quality that outshines the rest when it comes to achieving the seemingly impossible. Obviously, what we are trying to insinuate is ambition.
If there is no ambition, then your luck, cleverness, or charmingness wouldn’t mean anything. Your positive traits can only be effective if it is accompanied by a strong drive to attain something great. Ambition is much greater than intellect because the competition can only be won by those who can survive.
A good example of a person who truly represents the essence of ambition is Elon Reeve Musk. Elon is a brilliant person, but may not be the smartest among his peers. Although, he is a charming person from a distance, but may not be the most charismatic at close range. Elon is quite lucky since his family was able to provide him with a computer at a young age. What makes Elon apart from the rest of us is his perseverance and flexibility in confronting failure. His eyes are firmly set on his goals and will never allow any frustration distract them. In case, he encounters struggles along the way, he will respond by saying, “For my part, I will never give up and I mean never.”
7. “Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great.” – Mark Twain
This is one of the most practical ambition quotes that you can apply in your life. Do you agree with it? Most of the things that you accomplish in life are likely influenced by the people around you. If you choose people who will lift your spirit up and encourage you to make an attempt even if it seems impossible then chances are you might just do it. On the other hand, if you choose people who discouraged you in making an attempt because there is a possibility that you might fail, then chances are you will never be able to make it. And this is very unfortunate.
Perhaps those friends or family members who prevent you from trying are the ones who care for you so much and they don’t want you to get hurt. They believe that they are doing you a big favor. However, you should let them know that you recognize the risks that come with it. In fact, there are chances that you might get hurt. But the most important thing is at least you’ve tried. Then, ask them to become your supporters. Having friends and family that support you can definitely create a huge difference.
Be cautious about people who are giving you honest and positive criticism against people who are merely belittling your dreams. Constructive criticisms can help you get where you want to be. Be grateful for them even if you contradict it. The most important thing is you must choose your friends wisely.
8. “Ambition can creep as well as soar.” – Edmund Burke
Ambition can mean different things to different individuals. Most often, it is associated with power, fame, or wealth. Are men more ambitious than women? It shows that different studies reveal different views. Some people believe that women are just as ambitious as men. While others say that women should develop their ambition so they can become successful. According to Chambers Dictionary, ambition occurs when you aspire for success or advancement. Whereas, an ambitious person is driven by his/her strong desire to succeed. It is actually up to us to determine which are the ones we regard as success or advancement. How about you? How do you define ambition?
Ambition is essentially an important element for business development. It helps us determine which way we want to take and gives us a strong desire to accomplish it. However, whichever way you want to be, you must ensure that you have the courage, passion, and intensity to work on it.
Why is ambition more significant than talent? Ambition is the most important factor in achieving success. In fact it supersedes talent. Having an ambitious attitude can make anyone triumphant and satisfied regardless if there are obstacles in front of them. Having the willpower to dream and believe that you could reach the top of the world can make you go beyond. This is more powerful than any skill or talent. Having the talent wouldn’t mean anything if you do not have an ambition. Do you know that there are a lot of people out there who are just wasting their ability because they do not have any ambition?
9. “Realizing your ambitions, controlling your fate, and achieving unrivaled greatness is derived from knowing what to change, how to change, and, most importantly, why to change.” – Dean Gualco
Most successful people are greatly inspired by this old proverb, “If it is to be, it is up to me.” This means that your success and your advancement in life will totally depend on you. However, it does not mean that you should do it by yourself. What it means is that you must be responsible for your life and your own path. Most often, when opportunities come, you’ll simply say this one is not meant for you. You wait and wait until it is already too late and there’s nothing you can do. When this time comes, your life will be filled with regrets.
If you don’t want this to happen to your life, then you should be responsible. The decision is yours. You must understand that no one will do it for you. You must do it by yourself. Perhaps you might think that this is too much for you to handle. However, the best part of it all is you’ll get the chance to choose your own life. There are probably lots of people out there who would give anything just to be where you are right now. To be given the chance to control your fate is actually a great blessing!
You must have an ambition in your life so you can control your destiny. For instance, you might want to start a small business. This is great since this is actually what you like. You’ll get the chance to do whatever you want. Different people have different ambitions in life.
10. “Being ambitious is actually good as long as you do not step on other people’s toes and provides inspiration to fellow men.” – Sara Wellington
A successful person can be a great source of inspiration. We have the tendency to look up to someone who has already reached the top. Sometimes you wonder how it would be like? Hence, you set your course towards their direction. You want to learn more about their past and how they were able to overcome their difficulties. If you want to feel inspired, then you should associate yourself with successful people. These are the type of people who have big ambitions. Having big dreams and feeling ambitious can keep you inspired.
“Being ambitious is actually good as long as you do not step on other people’s toes and provides inspiration to fellow men.” Having a strong desire can inspire you to get what you want. This is good, however, you must be careful so you won’t hurt other people along the way. Some people aspire to become popular. They dreamed of becoming well-known and be highly recognized and respected.
Love is actually a very effective motivator. It can nurture your dreams and inspire you to obtain the best of life. There are several sources of inspiration that can motivate you to achieve success in life. The crucial thing is to focus yourself in achieving your goals.
Are you inspired? What can you do in order to make you feel inspired so you can achieve great things in life? Sometimes it can be very confusing. Should you be inspired in order to aspire? Or should you develop an aspiration so you can be inspired?
Which of these ambition quotes have inspired you to get to the top?
Ambition quotes can encourage and motivate us to do the seemingly impossible things. Anyone can be ambitious. May these ambition quotes can stimulate you to strive for more. Keep on pushing forward!Share this article with your friends to get them inspired too! If you have any inspiring stories about ambition, then please share it to us in the comments below!
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Martha lives in the Bay Area and is a dedicated reader of romance novels. She runs a yoga studio and taught yoga for many years. She always says that yoga fuels her writing. She’s also a vegetarian and advocate for living a healthy life. Martha has been writing for us for a while now, giving readers a glimpse into her lifestyle and work.
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