Adoption is a brave and benevolent act. Let these inspirational adoption quotes help you get through your adoption journey.
Inspirational quotes and sayings are very helpful in different aspects of our life. If you are planning to adopt a baby, then you can get some inspiration from lots of books and articles about adoption. Most of all, there are uplifting adoption quotes that can motivate you. The adoption process can be stressing since it involves a lot of work including paperwork, determining the match, and others. That is why you need all the support that you can get.
Adoption inspirational quotes can help you understand that you are not alone in this adoption journey. There is a large community of adoptive parents out there which you can be part of. These parents can understand your situation because they have experienced what you are experiencing right now.
A Bit About Adoption Quotes
The process of adoption is a combination of ups and downs. There are too much tension and emotion among the family members. These amazing adoption quotes will make you realize the significance of adoption. It is a wonderful blessing that can make you happy despite having its success and downfall. An interesting adventure that you will always remember for the rest of your life.
Why choose adoption?
There are a lot of reasons why people want to adopt a child. Generally, the main reason is they have the desire to expand their family. However, each individual or couple has other unique reasons why they choose adoption. For instance, it can be due to infertility. One or both partners might be incapable of bearing a child. However, it is also possible that the mother has her own health complications and would not risk getting pregnant.
Some people choose to adopt because they want to save this child. They want the child to feel the love and support of a family. These people believe that adopting a single child or several children is a way of saving the world. On the other hand, there are also some adoptive parents who choose adoption because they cannot find their suitable partner. This is likely common for single people or for homosexual couples.
What can we glean from adoption quotes?
We all have our own favorite adoption quotes. It’s because we usually admire sayings that give us wisdom. That is why, it is no surprise that we get our inspiration and motivation from these adoption quotes. Even if the quote is only one sentence yet it can make us feel better. Adoption is a selfless way of creating your own family. For those expectant adoptive parents, you can take inspiration from these phenomenal adoption quotes.
Adoption Quotes For Exuberant Adoptive Parents
If you are going through an adoption journey right now, then these adoption quotes will reflect your feelings. These quotes about adoption and family can leave a lasting impact on your life. They can enhance your philosophy and wisdom. Each person has his own interpretation on these adoption quotes. But no matter what it is, you will surely get affected by these words. Here are our 10 favorite adoption quotes.
1. “Open adoption is an opportunity to build enormous bridges to families beyond your reach.” – Kristen Gerald
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Among the different adoption quotes, this one sums up the real meaning of what open adoption is. Most adoptive parents prefer open adoption right at the start of the relationship. But why is open adoption very important? With an open adoption, you will remain connected with your child. It doesn’t mean just because you’ve decided not to be with him each day, you are not going to have a relationship with your child.
For some adoptive parents, they choose open adoption because they don’t want their child to have lots of questions as he/she grows up. Sometimes it would be difficult for us to explain everything to them. Perhaps the child might get confused on where did he really came from. Or he might be wondering why he ended up in this situation. It would be great if the child can grow up in an environment where he is well supported and loved by everyone. This can help him develop his own identity. By choosing open adoption, you can provide the child some transparency as he grows up. The child can enjoy enough love and most of all as an adoptive parent, you won’t be gone from his life. This does not mean that you dump the child. All you did was to play a unique role in his life.
Open adoption provides an opportunity for the child and his/her adoptive parents to connect with the child’s real parents. There is openness, however, the magnitude of the relationship may vary from one family to another.
2. “Adoptive parents, child, birth mother, siblings, extended adoptive family, extended birth family—the more love we give, the more we receive.” – Jeanette Green
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By choosing open adoption, you can have peace of mind knowing that your child is doing great wherever he is right now. Whenever you interact with him and realize that he is happy, it can make you feel happy as well. Knowing that your child is safe and well taken cared of is already enough for you. Looking at your son/daughter right now and how he/she turned out to be can also make you feel proud. He/she wouldn’t be feeling fine if it weren’t for you and his/her birth parents. You’ll be amazed by the pictures and the updates that you get from time to time.
The major reason why you choose open adoption is your child. Sometimes when the child is in a closed adoption, they feel that they are being abandoned by their birth parents. There are also some people who went on searching for their real parents after knowing that they are adopted. If they are lucky enough, they could find them in a short period of time. While there are also others who are still searching. With open adoption, your child will always know that he/she can see you whenever he/she needs you.
However, there are also situations wherein closed adoption can be the best option. For instance, if the safety of the child is at risk. Or perhaps it could be the wish of the birth parents or the adoptive parents. Ultimately, when making a choice, it is very important to consider what’s best for the child.
3. “A child born to another woman calls me mommy. The magnitude of that tragedy and the depth of that privilege are not lost on me” – Jody Landers
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This is probably one of the most popular adoption quotes in the adoption community. Through the social media network, finding adoptive parents who advocates for open adoption is much easier and quicker. We all know that adoption comes with struggles. However, this particular quote depicts the genuine gratefulness and humility that every adoptive parent feels.
Sometimes as an adoptive parent you feel irritated thinking why the child has to suffer for the decisions being made by his birth parents. However, if you choose to be angry, then you will miss the entire concept of adoption. You should feel blessed and thankful that you have a beautiful, smart, understanding child who inspires your life each day. Sometimes you need to work hard in order to secure his identity.
In fact, it’s a great privilege that you’ve spent precious moments with this child. This child is being carried by his real mom for nine months. Perhaps she might have suffered a bit during childbirth. But God chose you to become his parent and not his birth mom. Even if you are not interested in the things that he likes, it makes you feel grateful and honored that you are spending this moment with him.
Meeting your child’s birth mother for the first time might make you feel nervous. However, you should be humble enough to accept that whatever the outcome will be, it will be for the benefit of the child. Maybe you might pity her since was not given the chance to raise her own child. However, raising this child was a great privilege that was given to you. You should be thankful for it.
4. “Families don’t have to match. You don’t have to look like someone else to love them” – Leigh Anne Tuogy
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Adoption quotes will help you understand that a match is not a necessity. The most important thing is the love that you provide to the child. Sadly, our society today puts more emphasis on race and other factors when it comes to adoption. The most important thing is this should not overpower the love that you are willing to give to the child. According to Martin Narey, “With adoption, it’s not who you are – it’s how you parent.” People who are interested in caring for a child are facing a lot of obstacles. As a result, too much time has been wasted because a perfect match is hard to find.
Some adoptive parents have to wait for a long period of time due to the “matching” process. Most often they are trying to determine the needs of the child and match this to the skills of the adoptive parents. This matching process is very time consuming. Too much time and effort has been spent on matching, however, there is not enough proof that this is done with confidence. Additionally, the children have to wait needlessly before they can be adopted even if there are already adoptive parents who are willing to adopt them.
Most likely successful adoptions might be linked to the status, age, occupation, income, or sexual orientation of the adoptive parents. For instance, younger adopters are less successful with adopting a child compared to more matured adopters. Also, single adopters might less likely become successful adoptive parents compared to couples.
5. “Adopting one child will not change the world. But for that one child, it will change the world forever” – Unknown
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Perhaps if you are busy getting the adoption process done, this quote may not create a great impact for you. However, this is one of the most important adoption quotes that you should keep on your mind. It takes blood and sweat to adopt a child, but it’s all worth it. Bringing home a child is a blessing.
Is adoption right for you? The entire process of adoption consists of different questions. Obviously, one of the first questions will be this one. This may sound so simple yet some people find it hard to answer. It is very important that you must reveal your true feelings when answering this question. Would you welcome a child that is not biologically yours into your home. Nobody else can answer this for you except yourself.
Before answering this question, you must think it thoroughly. Adoption is a very crucial process that can create a great impact on your life. If you have a partner, then make sure that your partner is also agreeable to the idea of adoption. On the other hand, if you are single, then you need to consult your family about this. Keep in mind that this is a team effort.
It’s best if you can discuss this idea with your family and friends. Making a research is also highly recommended. If you know someone who has done this before then speak with them so you can get more insights. There are tons of resources that you can obtain from the internet. They can really help you as you go through the adoption process.
6. “It is important to remember that we adopt not because we are rescuers. No. We adopt because we are rescued.” – David Platt
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David Platt is not only an great pastor, but also an excellent author. One of his greatest works is “Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream.” He adopted several children including the ones from Kazakhstan and Nepal. He also provide homes to children who has no families.
Jong-rak Lee, a South Korean pastor, felt sad for those babies who were abandoned on the streets. That is why, he placed a small box outside his house where mothers can place their babies. Lee, along with his wife and staff, welcome the baby placed in the box. Pastor Lee did all of this because according to Psalm 27:10, “For my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the Lord will take me in.” This is a special type of orphanage since the children will be having Pastor Lee as their father and Mrs. Lee as their mother. Why did Pastor Lee rescued these babies? He admits, “The reason I decided to become their father was God has adopted me.” Pastor Lee was able to do this selfless act of love because this is what God did for him.
A lot of people are having misconceptions about true love. True love should not be centered on ourselves nor on others. Instead, true love should be centered on God. He loved us so much that He let His only son take the punishment for our sins. When we focus ourselves on God, we will be more patient, kind, humble, gentle, honest, thankful, and enduring. These are all the characteristics needed when you are adopting a child.
7. “The Gospel is not a picture of adoption; adoption is a picture of the Gospel.” – John Piper
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John Piper is a well respected pastor and an excellent author. Is John Piper right? The Gospel tells us that we should love others. And one of the greatest ways that we can show our love for others is adopting a child.
When people knew that you are in the process of adopting, they have mixed reactions. Some people feel happy and excited about your decision while others are worried. They felt that you are making the biggest mistake in your life. They will tell you that this could be very hard for you. Ultimately, whether they are giving you positive reactions or negative comments, they are just showing you how much they care.
It’s not surprising that there are a lot of horror stories about adoption. But the reality is, you need to understand that adoption might mean a lifetime sacrifice for you and your family. It might be the hardest thing that you’ve ever done. The best thing that you can do is to pray. Pray that somehow there wouldn’t be any attachment problems once the child becomes a part of your family. Pray that God will help him find his identity. Ask God to prepare you for this huge challenge by giving you grace, patience and wisdom.
Be hopeful that God will answer all your prayers. God always listens to our prayers but He does not guarantee us with happy endings. Adoption is not only about happy moments. Perhaps it might take a while before the child will take you as his parent. Although you ask God to spare the child from any suffering but sometimes God does not always give us the things that we want.
8. “If anybody understands God’s ardor for his children, it’s someone who has rescued an orphan from despair, for that is what God has done for us. God has adopted you. God sought you, found you, signed the papers, and took you home.” – Max Lucado
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This is one of the most inspiring adoption quotes from one of the finest Christian authors,Max Lucado. Do you think Max Lucado is correct when he made this statement? God took us home. That is why, it’s only right that we should also welcome orphans into our home. This is what God wants us to do.
When you surrender yourself to God, He does not only forgive you but he also adopts you. God cleansed our sins by sending His Son, but there is more, He gives us His name. It is not enough that He sets us free. He took us to His home which is the Great House of God.
As adoptive parents, we should understand this more than other people do. But this does not mean that we are trying to offend biological parents. When biological parents want to have a baby, they can easily have one. Sometimes there are even unplanned pregnancies, but it’s very seldom that we hear about unplanned adoption.
Hence, adoptive parents recognize God’s sentiment when He adopted us. They know how it feels when you have an empty space inside you. They took the responsibility of caring for an orphan who may have a dark past and an uncertain future. If there is someone who truly understands God’s desire for us, it is someone who was able to rescue an orphan from desolation. After all, this is actually what God has done for us. God sought us and found us. He signed the papers and took us home. God adopted us.
9. “I think adoption is a blessing all around when it’s done right.” – Hugh Jackman
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If you want to adopt a child, then it’s best to let the child know about it. It should never be a secret that you will held from them. Explain to the child that his birth mother loved him so much and she wants to give him a better life. An adopted child is a true blessing to his adoptive parents.
Eventually, it’s really a big sacrifice for the birth mother to give up her baby so he/she can have a better life. There are different reasons why the birth parent has to make this difficult decision. Most likely she cannot take care of her baby. But adoption is a great gift for both the child and the people who wants to adopt the baby. When you adopt a child, always remember that this gift comes with tremendous responsibility just like having a child biologically. But being chosen as his/her parent is truly a beautiful blessing.
If you are an adopted child, then you should always remember that you have a blessed life. You were never abandoned, instead you were chosen. Even if some people find it hard to understand yet the most important thing are the people who are involved in your life. The most common question that people would ask is, “Are you interested in finding your real parents?” You may discover a bit of information about your biological parents, but basically it’s your own decision if you want to find them. After all, you already have your adoptive parents who loves you.
10. “Adoption is not the call to have the perfect, rosy family. It is the call to give love, mercy, and patience.” – Hope For Orphans
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There is no doubt that love is one of the most powerful emotions that humans experience. That is why, it’s not surprising that there is always love in adoption. It’s because there is a beautiful connection between the child and the parent. When a woman gets pregnant unexpectedly, she may feel depressed, afraid, or bewildered. But regardless how the mother feels, there is already a bond between the child and his mother. Sometimes the expectant mother would wonder how does the child looks, how will she take care of the child. Most importantly, what can she do in order to give the child a better life.
If the mother is unable to take care of her child, then she makes her own adoption plan. Although, this is a very difficult decision to make but it is made out of love. When an expectant mother decides to put her baby for adoption it does not mean that she abandoned her child. It’s because she loves him/her so much and wants him/her to have a better life. Unfortunately, this is something that she is unable to provide at the moment. Even after the adoption, the birth mother will still think about the child. But even though it hurts so much, she will always love the child for the rest of her life. Giving up her child is a huge sacrifice. This is one of the most powerful decisions that she made in her entire life. Yet, it is made out of love.
Which of these adoption quotes is the most inspiring?
We hope that these adoption quotes can help you in your adoption journey. Always remember that adoption is a great blessing and it comes with a huge responsibility.
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Tina Gray is a freelance journalist, theatre enthusiast and aspiring author. She has a passion for telling stories through various mediums and regularly writes for various online publications. Her short stories will soon be published in her first volume. Currently, she resides in the San Fernando Valley and is studying screenwriting.
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