Every man, woman, child feels a need for a companion who will not only simply stay there at their side but who they can interact with, at one or more points in their lives. The need to feel loved by that person and feel love for that person is constant in every one of us; you and I are not strangers to this kind of feeling. Although by definition and intensity love is different in every stage. Love of babies for their family, love of family for each other and love of friend for a friend. Especially the love we feel for that special someone; who can be a girl or a boy.
Sometimes being in love or feeling hopelessly in love with someone can make even a very eloquent person feel at a loss for words to say. However, you try to form words to communicate feelings of love, even though you find it hard to grasp the right words to use. You turn to love quotes, girlfriend quotes for want of a way to convey those guarded emotions. To someone you want to win over and to assure that it’s safe to stay by your side. And here are a few to inspire you and maybe nudge you to start giving voice to those mute feelings.
Tell Someone They Are Special, With These Powerful Girlfriend Quotes
1. Get her attention, by telling her…
And make sure your actions express the promise your quoted girlfriend quotes has to say, that no matter what, you’ll always be patient and gentle with her.
2. Make her glad with the choices she made, take one from girlfriend quotes and tell her this…
Originally posted on Pinterest by The Inspiration Blog
Don’t ever give her reasons to feel shame and sorry with her decision to choose you.
3. Always find time to spend with her, if you can’t be with her physically then make her feel your presence by…
Originally posted by Wallpaper.Net
There’s nothing sweeter and heart-warming than a short love note sent via text when you two are away from each other. Or a piece from girlfriend quotes written on a piece of stick posts and stick it on her door or stick on a cup of coffee or a can of soda for her when you two are near , but are going every which way on a busy day at the office or at school.
4. Don’t make her feel excluded when you’re with friends and your family, tell her…
Originally posted by Patti Hulcy Rice
And wink across the room or touch her hands or the ends of her hair lightly in passing as you go around and meet everyone. You can repeat once or twice her favorite quote from girlfriend quotes, whisper it to her it can’t hurt.
5. Absence makes the heart grow fonder is a cliché but…
Originally posted by Brant
You two cannot always be together every second of your life. Still there are ways you could make her feel she’s in your thoughts and in your heart when you are temporarily apart or you two are at great distance from each other for a little longer period.
6. You say words to make her feel wanted regularly but still you can read doubts in her glances, utter this piece of girlfriend quotes to her…
Sometimes words are not enough be sure you show her through your actions what you express to her with words.
7. You are friends and not into relationship but you can still tell her…
Originally posted by Douglas Chan.com
You don’t necessarily have to go into a relationship to be able to say sweet things to each other, even as friends there’s still that special connection that’s lacking in acquaintances exchange girlfriend quotes with her.
8. A girlfriend is also a best friend from time to time lighten the situation by …
Sharing a joke over a glass of smoothie, a cone of ice cream a cup of tea, coffee or a can of soda can be fun and sweet. You need to lighten up the air with fun stories and not to always talk of problems and disappointments. Or you can exchange girlfriend quotes with her.
9. You can also talk about concrete realities…
Winning somebody over don’t require you to talk only of love and sweet nothings.
10. You don’t need to always think of something to say that is so out of this world to impress her but these girlfriend quotes can help you…
Simple words can say something awesome when said with sincerity.
11. No one else will know the strength of my love for you…
Originally posted on Pinterest by Kristy Sayer
Are truly powerful words.
12. An encouragement when a relationship fails, that no two individuals are the same…
13. You can talk of being human…
About your frailties and strength.
14. Encouragement to go out on dates and to seek out new friendships after a failed relationship when a girlfriend is shying away from hurt…
From a Man, who is sure of himself.
15. On being best friends….
Originally posted by Simply June
16. About changing herself just to please another person…
17. You two can talk together about change…
Without thinking ill thoughts towards each another.
18. You can talk of your love for her even when greeting her on her birthday…
Originally posted on Pinterest by Agea Happiness
19. Laugh silly with her over another kind of woman’s hotness…
20. On falling in love with your bestfriend…
21. On always having second thoughts in expressing your feelings…
22. Tell her you’ll wait for her…
Originally posted on Pinterest by I’m So Lonely
23. A piece of wisdom from Maya Angelou…
24. Letting go…
25. Expressing the desire to have spent a much longer time with her by your side…
26. If someone wants you in their life…
27. Proving to her you’re different from the rest…
Originally posted on Pinterest by Lindsey Marshall
28. Loving her simply for what she really is…
29. Every woman deserves…
30. You know you can cry with me and I will never judge you…
31. You submit to her because you are certain that her love always has your back…
Are Girlfriend Quotes Effective In Expressing The Real You?
Quotes and sayings are often sources of enlightening wisdom in times that you feel confused, hurt and doubtful. The words thought of and put together by eloquent individuals roll easily on your tongue and can completely express what you really feel. The words composing these girlfriend quotes are what they had used to describe the feelings they sensed inside them at times when they were hurting, confused and doubtful like you. Some are spoken to give assurance; some are spoken to let someone know of their presence despite their physical absence and many more were formed by the need to express the start of emotional attachment and the need to win over that person to their side. To stay there forever if possible, but nothing is guaranteed in this world. You would love to have it for keeps if you can but if not at least you were able to express what you feel, the real deal. Use these girlfriend quotes wisely. Just like these cute boyfriend quotes for your boy.
Martha lives in the Bay Area and is a dedicated reader of romance novels. She runs a yoga studio and taught yoga for many years. She always says that yoga fuels her writing. She’s also a vegetarian and advocate for living a healthy life. Martha has been writing for us for a while now, giving readers a glimpse into her lifestyle and work.
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