Be mindful of the thoughts you entertain.
Do you need tips on how to be mindful of the positive side of life? If so, these nuggets of wisdom will help you learn how to center your thoughts to what really matters. Stop stressing about the future and the things you can’t change. Live for now!
A Bit About Being Mindful
It’s easy to speed through life without learning how to be mindful of the beauty around you. There are so many things to be thankful for, and it’s important not to let negative thoughts ruin your happiness. Oftentimes you get caught up in work, running errands, bills, and other aspects of life without stopping to smell the roses. Everyday is precious and shouldn’t be taken for granted.
What does it mean?
Being mindful means making a conscious decision to live life on purpose. It means taking ahold of every second of life and truly being in the moment. Instead of rushing to work, take a look at the scenery. Think about the city you live in, the car you’re driving, the coffee you’re drinking and take none of it for granted. It can be routine to hop in your car, run to Starbucks, grab a bagel and not think twice about it. But being mindful means you feel happy to see another day, you sip your coffee and savour the taste, all while feeling grateful for it; the little things make all the difference.
Why is it important?
Have you ever heard the phrase, “What you think, you will become”? Your mental health is just as important as your physical, and you have to take care of yourself from the inside out. When you learn how to be mindful, you won’t get caught up in worrying about things that aren’t important. When you become overwhelmed with bad thoughts, it has a negative effect on your overall well-being. And not only that, but it impacts every aspect of your life. When you’re mindful of your circumstances, you’re likely to have a more positive experience in your work, your finances, your schooling, and your relationships.
How does being mindful benefit you?
You gain a lot from being mindful because it keeps your heart and head clear of damaging thoughts. Which in turn reduces stress, anxiety, and fear. You’re a better decision maker when you’re mindful of certain things. No matter what the situation might be, when you think things through in a positive manner, it make things much easier. Life is short, and you don’t want to squander it with negative thoughts that can affect your happiness.
Tips, Tricks, and Insight On How to Be More Mindful
While it’s easy to say to just live in the moment, there’s a bit more that goes into learning how to be mindful. We’ve collected a few tips, tricks, and nuggets of wisdom to help you along your journey.
1. Practice Gratitude and Manifest Your Dreams
If you’re unsure of how to be mindful, there are some things you can do deliberately to help . Start by waking up and practicing gratitude. Even if you don’t have everything you want in life, sit and think about what you do have and make a list of the things you’re thankful. It will help you keep things in perspective.
You can also pray or meditate. Take some time before you start your day to relax and take a moment for yourself.You have to make sure your own cup is full before you go out into the world and share it with others.
Lastly, create a vision board. It doesn’t have to be fancy, and you can even put it on your phone. But you should have something that you can look at that reminds you of positive things. So when your mind starts to stray, the board will help you refocus.
2. You must learn to master a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.
Everything starts within the mind. And when you’re striving to become a better version of yourself, you have to start with positive thoughts. You can’t create new habits with old ways of thinking. Learn how to be mindful of your feelings and work the things you want to change. For instance, if you desire to lose weight, don’t think about how exhausting it will be. Think about how it will benefit your body, your energy level, and the way it’ll make you look amazing in skinny jeans. Begin to think about the changes you wish to make from a positive perspective.
3. Be mindful of how you treat people. Be mindful of how you handle things. Be mindful of your intentions. Be mindful.
One of the biggest aspects of learning how to be mindful is knowing that it should be implemented constantly. How often do we fly off the handle at a stressful situation? Or, perhaps you snap at people because something is bothering you. Maybe you are chasing after something without even recognizing your motives. Whichever scenario it is, being more mindful will help you to better cope with each. Take a second to assess your feelings before saying or doing anything you might regret.
4. Be mindful. Even if your mind is full.
Sometimes your mind can go a mile a minute, and you won’t stop to think clearly. If you’re caught up in managing a million thoughts, you might not be able to see what’s right in front of you. If you’re wracking your brain about something, it’s possible that you already have the answer to your question. So, take the time to break. Look at things from a different angle and re-assess the situation from a fresh perspective.
5. I am enough. Who I am is enough. What I do is enough, and what I have is enough.
Most of the time, a lot of the things that people drive themselves crazy about are circumstantial, and blown out of proportion. You might be worried about your looks, your salary, or your relationship status. Even though all of these things are a part of life, they don’t have to consume you. Sometimes you have to step back and realize that you’re okay, and doing the best you can. You might want more out of life, but what you have is enough. If you stop to feel gratitude for what you have, it makes it easier for new blessings to come your way.
6. Don’t fall victim to your thoughts. Rule your mind or it will rule you.
You have to master how to be mindful of your thoughts and they things you say to yourself. Your brain will go non-stop if you let it. If you allow negative thoughts to invade your mind, you’ll also have a negative outlook on life. Practice countering bad thoughts will positivity. When you think about not being able to achieve something, picture yourself accomplishing your goal, and verbally tell yourself you can do it. You don’t have to fall prey to bad thinking. Be mindful of the thoughts you entertain.
7. Calm is a superpower.
It’s natural to panic when things go wrong. When life goes in a different direction, you automatically start feeling anxiety and your mind starts to wonder. However, staying calm is always the best practice. It allows you to think clearly and make wise decisions. You can’t go wrong with remaining calm; whether it’s due to an unexpected change or in the middle of a disagreement. Settled thoughts will teach you how to be mindful of your actions.
8. You can’t win in life if you’re losing in your mind. Change your thoughts and it’ll change your life.
Your mind is powerful, and it’s the stepping stone to change. Everything you want for yourself starts with a decision. Once you change your mindset about something, it’s nearly impossible to fail. Big dreams and success begin with your thoughts, followed by actions. If you don’t think you could ever achieve a certain thing, chances are you won’t. And not because it isn’t attainable, but because you don’t believe it can happen.
9. A quiet mind is able to hear intuition over fear.
Take the time to breath and comprehend what’s going on in your life. It’s important to understand how to be mindful of your emotions. Relax and don’t rush to make a rush to conclusions. It’s easy to get scared and give up on something before you full comprehend it. When you’re calm and quiet, it allows you to actually think about how you really feel about a matter. Even if you’re fearful to step into the unknown, think about how else it makes you feel. Do you also feel excited? Accomplished? When you allow yourself to sit and think openly about a situation, you’re most likely to overcome your fear of it.
10. Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are seeds. You can grow flowers or weeds.
When you practice how to be mindful, you choose what you’re mindful of. Basically, you control what thoughts you allow to circle around in your head. You can choose to fill your “ garden” with inspiring thoughts that will uplift you, or you can do the opposite. Either way, no one can control your mindset but you.
Do you have any tips on how to be mindful?
Did you enjoy this list of how to be mindful quotes, tips, and tricks? Hopefully this information inspires you to think positive thoughts and become more aware of negativity. As we stated, your mind is powerful, and it either help you or hinder you.
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Tina Gray is a freelance journalist, theatre enthusiast and aspiring author. She has a passion for telling stories through various mediums and regularly writes for various online publications. Her short stories will soon be published in her first volume. Currently, she resides in the San Fernando Valley and is studying screenwriting.
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