Knowing how to give the perfect gift for someone can often be a very daunting task.
What do they like? What don’t they like? Are they going to use this? How can I make this gift special and unique? There are so many things to think about when trying to find the perfect gift for someone that it can sometimes become overwhelming. To help ease the stress for you, we have created this guide on how to give the perfect gift. This list contains tips that will help you when it comes to finding the perfect gift and giving it in a way that the person will remember forever. Make gift giving an amazing experience for both you and the receiver by following these simple tips on how to give the perfect gift.
A Bit About Giving the Perfect Gift
Giving the perfect gift can be a very difficult task, especially if it is for someone that you don’t know well or for someone who doesn’t share your interests. In this case, our simple tips on how to give the perfect gift should come in extremely handy.
Why is it difficult to find the perfect gift to give?
Every single person on this earth is different and we all have different interests. That is why it can sometimes be extremely difficult to find the perfect gift for someone. It is important to remember that not everyone will share the same interests as you. So something that you may love receiving as a gift, might not be the best gift in the world for someone else.
You may also come across struggles with obtaining the perfect gift. This may be the case if you have thought of something amazing and perfect that you can get for someone, but you’re just not sure how or where to get it, or you struggle finding a way to get it.
Another reason that it may be difficult to find the perfect gift may be due to financial circumstances. Perhaps you know exactly what the perfect gift would be for someone, but you just don’t have the funding to cover getting that gift.
There are many obstacles that we can face when it comes to finding and giving the perfect gift. That is why we have created this list of tips to help you with how to give the perfect gift.
Why is important to give the perfect gift?
Giving the perfect gift is important for showing someone just how much you care about them. Imagine if you yourself received the perfect gift. How would that make you feel about the person giving it? It would make you realise just how much they love and care about you. It will show you that they have taken an interest in your life and have noticed the things that you are interested in. When someone makes an effort to give you the perfect gift, it shows that they truly care about you and want to see you happy. Giving the perfect gift can truly make someones day, or even their week, or maybe even their year!
How to Give The Perfect Gift to Every Person on Your List
Following is our list of tips on how to give the perfect gift. These tips should help you when trying to find the perfect gift and give it in a way that is meaningful and memorable for the receiver. We hope that this list of tips is useful to you and we would love to hear your thoughts on them or the ways that they have helped you in the comments section below this article.
Tip 1 – Make the present an event.
Knowing how to give the perfect gift requires a bit of thought, and this is where you can get really creative. If you give the gift in a unique way, then the receiver will remember it and love it. You want to make the whole experience of receiving the gift a memorable one that the receiver will cherish forever.
Instead of wrapping the gift up in normal wrapping paper, think of the gift giving experience as an event. Find a unique way to give the person the gift. Perhaps you could try hiding the gift and sending the receiver on a scavenger hunt to retrieve it.
Instead of just giving the person a gift card, hide a secret message inside a book that reveals a code that takes them to the gift card. This is like two gifts in one as they will never be expecting the gift card.
Or perhaps you could sew the presents into a stuffed bear so the receiver has to do surgery on the bear to retrieve the gifts. Or an idea that is always fun is hiding smaller presents within larger presents. For example, if one of the presents is a bag, hide lots of little things within the bag. They will never expect it and will be shocked when they ope it up and see that there is even more to the gift.
There are so many unique ways to give and display gifts for someone. It’s just a matter of thinking about what that person may enjoy and then coming up with a unique plan that works for them.
Tip 2 – Give an experience.
Instead of trying to think of a physical gift for them, try thinking about the things that they enjoy and create an experience gift from that. Perhaps they love Romeo and Juiet, but they’ve already seen the movie, read the book, and they already have memorabilia from the movie. Why not gift them the wonderful experience of seeing the theatre version? This shows that you care about their interests and will give them an experience that they will never forget – all of the ingredients you need to give the perfect gift.
Focus on what they enjoy and it should be easy to find an experience that the person will love. If they’re into fast cars, book them a track day so they can drive the likes of a Ferrari or and Audi R8. If they like getting an adrenaline rush, book them tickets to a theme park or pa for them to have a sky diving experience. There are so many things that would work as a great gift. It’s all about taking notice of what the person enjoys and then putting together a gift idea based on that.
Tip 3 – Make a list of all the things the person is interested in.
A great way to help you when it comes to finding the perfect gift is to make a list of all the things the person is interested in. Who they mention something that they love, ass it to the list and keep it growing until you have enough interests to spark a brilliant gift idea.
Make the list long. Spend a long time coming up with different things that you know the person is interested in and that defines them as a person. Then spend time coming up with gift ideas for each item on that list. It doesn’t matter how big or small the idea is, come up with every possible thing that could ignite your creativity and result in the idea of the perfect gift for them.
You don’t have to give every gift that you come up with. But instead, you’ll come up with some great ideas that you otherwise wouldn’t have thought of. This is a way of coming up with the perfect personal gift and the receiver will know how much you care about them by how much you’ve taken an interest in the things they enjoy.
Tip 4 – Think of the past.
Think about the things that have specifically happened in that person’s life in the past. Perhaps they have recently graduated from college – so you could frame their diploma in a special way. Or perhaps they have recently lost a pet – so you could get them a canvas print of their favourite picture of the pet in its memory.
Look upon their past and think of things that they enjoyed as a child. Everybody loves to reminisce and a nostalgic gift is sometimes the best type of gift you can give. Nostalgia gives people that warm fuzzy feeling in their stomach that is different to any other emotion. A gift that takes someone back to “the good old days” might just win you brownie points for knowing how to give the perfect gift.
Tip 5 – Think about what that person needs.
If the first thing that pops into your head is “nothing”, “they don’t need anything”, you’re wrong. They will need something. Think on broader terms. Think about something that might make their life easier, or something that they pay for anyway that you could get for them to save them money. Relevance is key to knowing how to give the perfect gift.
Say for example they commute by train daily. Perhaps think about buying them a rail car so that they no longer have to worry about paying for the train. Or perhaps they currently pay for a Netflix subscription. In this case you could buy them a gift card which entitles them to a year’s worth of Netflix at no cost. There are many things that would make a great gift for someone based on their needs. It’s all about evaluating them as a person and determining what they might need.
Tip 6 – Do some stalking.
When all else fails, do a bit of stalking. Many people often have an Amazon wish list, so it’s worth trying to take a look at that. The person will be delighted that you’ve managed to find a gift that they anted without them even having to ask for it.
Look through their social media. Check out some posts that they have saved or look at company pages that they follow or particular brands that they interact with.
Keep a lookout for brands that they wear often, or take a look at which company newsletters they’re signed up to. Just do some digging. The more you can find out about them, the better, and you will be able to find the perfect gift based on your findings.
Tip 7 – Include a little bit of yourself.
Create a personalised gift that has a little bit of you within it. This will show the person that you really care and will make it seem extra special, because it will have taken time time create the personalised gift.
A few examples of a great personalised gift might be writing them a song, knitting them a sweater or a scarf, creating a piece of art for them. There are so many different things that you could make for them that would show how much you care about them.
A personalised gift that you have made with your bare hands is often even more sentimental than simply buying someone a gift. This is because it shows that you really care as you’ve taken the time out of your day to create something personalised and unique for them. combine your unique personalised gift with one or some of the other ideas from above and you may be on the right track towards giving the perfect gift for someone.
8 – Make them laugh.
This is where you can really get creative with your gifting. Not only can you get someone a gift that is great and that they’ll love, but you can also gift something to them that will make them laugh.
For example, if you know someone who absolutely loves Jolly Ranchers, buy them 20 giant bags of them. If you know someone who loves fast food, create a coupon for them that says you’ll pay for their next 10 fast food meals.
There are so many different things that you could do to make someone laugh. If you’re stuck for ideas. Just do a quick Google search of novelty gift ideas. Something is sure to spark some inspiration for you.
9 – Be charitable.
If at this point you’re still struggling to find a gift for someone, then maybe a charitable gift would be the ideal present for them. Think about the things that person loves or cares about and then come up with a charitable gift idea for them.
For example, if they are an animal lover, give a donation to an animal recuse charity in their honour. There are many charities out there that offer specific gifting options. Many charities will allow you to buy a gift option that comes with a certificate and a little gift such as a plush toy that you can give to the receiver of your gift.
A charitable gift is a way of giving a thoughtful gift to someone who literally has everything. It’s also great because you will be giving to a good cause in the quest to give the perfect gift, which is amazing.
Tip 10 – Make it fun and personal.
Nobody wants to receive a boring gift. There’s nothing worse than opening generic wrapping paper on Christmas morning to find that all that was hidden inside was a paid of bland socks.
You want to try to create a gift that is a fun as possible. Think about all the elements of the gift. Make sure it’s fun to open. Be sure that it is given in a way that is enjoyable for the receiver. Ensure that the gift is personalised to them, and is as unique as possible. Try to incorporate a little bit of yourself in the gift. Perhaps you have an inside joke that you can incorporate into the gift somehow.
Whatever it is that you choose to give someone, just make sure that it is fun, personal, and really shows them that you care. The perfect gift is easier to find than you think.
We hope that you enjoyed this list of tips on how to give the perfect gift and we wish you the very best of luck in your endeavor to find the perfect gift for that special someone.
Did you enjoy this list of tips on how to gift the perfect gift? Perhaps you have some tips on how to gift the perfect gift of your own that you think should be on this list? Or maybe you have some stories about a time that you gave or received a perfect gift that you would like to share with us? We would love to hear them! Please leave a comment in the comment section below this article.
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Anna works as a full-time writer and editor and has devoted the last ten years of her career to assisting readers in improving their perspective on life. She is a Cultural Studies graduate and now contributes to Good Morning Quotes by sharing her traveling experiences and social knowledge with our readers. When she is not typing up her next article, Anna enjoys spending time with friends, visiting new places, and supporting a healthy lifestyle.
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