Most of us are afraid of the dark and what lurks in the shadows.
Although darkness can be frightening, being in the dark isn’t always a bad thing. Being in the dark gives us the opportunity to find our light within the darkness and become an even stronger person. If you are still trying to find that light that lives within you, don’t worry. We have created this list of darkness quotes and sayings which should help to inspire you on your journey to finding your inner light. We hope that you enjoy this list of darkness quotes and we would love to hear your thoughts on them in the comments section below this article.
A Bit About Darkness Quotes
We all have to face darkness at some point in our lives. Our list of darkness quotes should inspire you and should help to guide you though those dark times that you experience. If you know someone who may benefit from reading these darkness quotes, then please do be sure to give this article a share with them.
Why do people far the dark?
A fear of the dark is a very common fear. This is most likely due to the mystery involved with being in the dark. It’s all about not knowing what is right in front of us. If we’re sat in a dark room, we may hear noises and have no idea what those noises are. I believe that it is the not knowing that makes people fear the dark. Some people will fear the dark due to a childhood experience such as nightmares or hearing ghostly stories, whereas others will fear the dark because of things that they have hear or read about the dark. Fear of the dark is very common, and people all have their own unique reasons for fearing the darkness.
Why are darkness quotes great?
Darkness quotes are great for helping you find your inner light and helping you to find the light in your life. They are also very inspiring and motivating quotes. Some darkness quotes are quite famous and well known and others are less well known. However, all darkness quotes are great for helping to build confidence and inspiring people to be good people.
When will darkness quotes help us?
Darkness quotes are great for any time you need a bit of a lift in your life. If you’re looking for some inspiration, then darkness quotes are great for that. We have picked out some of the best ones for our list. We hope that you enjoy our list of darkness quotes. If you know someone who may benefit from reading our quotes, or if you know someone who may enjoy them, then please do be sure to give this article a share with your friends.
Our List of Darkness Quotes
Following is our list of darkness quotes which we have collected from various sources and curated into this list for you to enjoy. We would love to hear your thoughts on the quotes in our list in the comments section below this article.
1. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Martin Luther King
This is a great quote about how love and hate is similar to light and dark. Darkness cannot drive out darkness, because darkness will still remain. The only thing that can get rid of darkness is light. This is similar with love and hate. Fuelling hated with more hatred will only result in the continued hate. The only thing that can drive out hatred is love.
2. Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.
Carl Jung
We all have a little bit of darkness within us. It is that darkness within us that helps us to learn more about the darkness in other people and how we can deal with other people when their darker moods begin to show. Take notice of the darkness within yourself so that you can learn how to better deal with the darkness within other people.
3. Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness.
Anne Frank
It is incredible that one single candle can brighten a dark room. However, candlelight also sheds shadows on things and may add to the darkness in the room if you think about it enough. Candlelight can also define all of the shapes within a room in the darkness. It is an amazing thing thinking about all of the light, shadows and definition that a single candle can shed on a dark room.
4. Fear grows in darkness; if you think there’s a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
Dorothy Thompson
Darkness seems to make everything scarier. If you’re afraid of the dark, try sleeping with a nightlight. Some people will never get over their fear of the dark, however, there are ways to get around it. If you’re afraid of the dark or if you feel your fears growing in the dark, simply switch the light on and you will soon see that there is nothing to be afraid of.
5. I have learned things in the dark that I could never have learned in the light, things that have saved my life over and over again, so that there is really only one logical conclusion. I need darkness as much as I need light.
Barbara Brown Taylor
We can learn things in the dark just as much as we can learn things in the light. It is important to remember that. Darkness can inspire different thought processes and we can often come up with some of our best ideas in the dark. Think about how much you think about things and all of the important decisions you make while laying in the dark waiting to fall asleep. This is proof that darkness is just as, if not more inspiring than the light.
6. It was the possibility of darkness that made the day seem so bright.
Stephen King
Without darkness, we would never be able to appreciate the light. A sunny day seems bright because night time is so dark. This can be a metaphor for other things in which something can’t fully be appreciated without the existence of something else.
7. Dark, dark! The horror of darkness, like a shroud, wraps me and bears me on through mist and cloud.
Many people in the world are afraid of the dark. However, darkness should not always be feared. Some of our best ideas come from darkness. Without darkness, we would struggle to sleep, and we wouldn’t be able to appreciate the days. We wouldn’t be able to appreciate all of the light that shines throughout each day.
8. Darkness and night are mothers of thought.
Dutch Proverb
We find ourselves thinking much more at night and in the dark than we do during the day or in the light. It seems that darkness sparks inspiration for thoughts and helps us find clarity in our decision making. If there is something in which you need to make an important decision about, people will often advise you to “sleep on it”. This is so that you have the time to think about it at night and in the dark, when you can make a clearer decision.
9. Only in the darkness can you see the stars.
Martin Luther King Jr.
This is a great quote because it proves how great darkness can actually be. It is very true, that we can only see stars in the darkness. In this case, the darker it is, the better chance we have of seeing the stars. Stars are beautiful to look at, and so darkness is a positive thing in this case.
10. The more we deny that we have a dark side, the more power it has over us. – Sheryl Lee
This is a great quote because people are constantly denying their dark side. We all have our own dark side and it is important to acknowledge that side of our personalities. The more we push that darkness away, the more damage it can cause. It is much better to embrace your dark side than it is to ignore it.
We hope that you enjoyed this list of darkness quotes and that they helped you in some way today.
Did you enjoy this list of darkness quotes? Perhaps you have some darkness quotes of your own that you think should be on this list? Or maybe you have some stories about darkness that you would like to share with us? We would love to hear them! Please leave us a comment in the comment section below this article.
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Tina Gray is a freelance journalist, theatre enthusiast and aspiring author. She has a passion for telling stories through various mediums and regularly writes for various online publications. Her short stories will soon be published in her first volume. Currently, she resides in the San Fernando Valley and is studying screenwriting.
4 pics one word says
I love this blog! The quotes and sayings are so inspiring.
GoodMorningQuote says
Thank you!
Baldis Basics says
I loved this collection of darkness quotes! They really resonate and provide a unique perspective on navigating through tough times. The images paired with the quotes are stunning too! Thank you for sharing such thought-provoking content.
YT5s says
I absolutely loved this collection of darkness quotes! The images paired with each quote add a beautiful touch, and they really resonate with the struggles we face. Perfect for a thought-provoking good morning! Thank you for sharing!