This article comes at you from a galaxy far, far away.
We have compiled a list of fourteen of the best and most memorable Star Wars quotes to inspire you today. It is rare to come across someone who has never seen a Star Wars film and even rarer to find someone who has never had a second hand experience of Star Wars through a friend or form hearing a quote. Four decades after the first Star Wars movie was released, the saga still amazes audiences the world over. We hope that you enjoy this list of Star Wars quotes and we would love to hear your thoughts on them in the comments section below this article.
A Bit About Star Wars Quotes
Star Wars quotes are great because they contain a lot of wisdom. They also bring back nostalgic memories of a time long ago when the Star Wars epidemic first came into light.
What is Star Wars?
Star Wars is a series of science-fiction movies by George Lucas. There are currently ten movies in the Star Wars series and they have all been incredibly big blockbuster hits. Due to the popularity of the franchise, there has been a lot of memorabilia released around the films as well as toys, games, tv shows and so much more. The story revolves around many adventures in space and the storyline mostly centres around good verses evil. The unique story, great effects and all of the amazing fictional creatures within the Star Wars movies are what makes these films so unique and great.
What can we glean from Star Wars quotes?
Not only are these quotes filled with wisdom and inspiration. They are also going to make you feel incredibly nostalgic and will bring back great memories of the Star Wars series – especially if you are already a big fan of the movies.
Our List of Star Wars Quotes
Following i sour list of Star Wars quotes which should make you feel inspired, nostalgic and happy. We hope that you enjoy this list. If you know someone who is a big Star Wars fan and would enjoy these quotes then please be sure to share this article with them.
1. “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.” — Leia Organa
This wonderful quote instantly screams Princess Leia. This is an iconic line in the film and has been referenced and quoted so many times. It will forever live on as one of the most iconic moments and one of the most iconic lines of the entire Star Wars series. Carrie Fisher made a wonderful Princess Leia and this particular line is one of the most famous lines of her entire career.
2. “It’s the ship that made the Kessel run in less than twelve parsecs. I’ve outrun Imperial starships. Not the local bulk cruisers, mind you. I’m talking about the big Corellian ships, now. She’s fast enough for you, old man.” — Han Solo
This quote truly outlines the brilliance of Han Solo as a character. This legendary character from the Star Wars franchise combines roguish arrogance with the fact that he can usually back up his confident words with the given actions. A truly inspiring character indeed and of course, an incredibly memorable one.
3. “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” — Yoda
This quote is a very memorable one but also an incredibly inspiring one that we can all apply to our own lives. You must do everything with a can-do attitude, otherwise there is no point in doing it at all. If you don’t believe in yourself and don’t work hard, then you will never achieve the things that you want to. You must do things, or not do things. Trying is irrelevant.
4. “No. I am your father.” — Darth Vader
This was a huge turning point in the plot and a gigantic climatic twist in the Star Wars movie ‘The Empire Strikes Back’. This particular line had a massive impact on the storyline of the Star Wars series and this was one that was incredibly shocking to all of the audiences. With that being said, this particular quote is arguably one of the most iconic quotes of the entire Star Wars series.
5. “I’ll never turn to the dark side. You’ve failed, your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me.” — Luke Skywalker
These are strong words from the iconic and central character, Luke Skywalker himself. Luke is a strong character with a moral heart and humbling actions. He stays true to his roots and wins over the hearts of the audiences watching. Luke is one of the strongest and best characters throughout the entire Star Wars series, and is definitely one of the most memorable characters.
6. “You can’t stop the change, any more than you can stop the suns from setting.” — Shmi Skywalker
This particular quote from Shmi Skywalker can be related a lot to our every day lives. The forces of destiny are already in motion, and we are unable to change what is going to happen to us. All we can do is live our lives and see what happens. The sun (or suns in this case) will always set, that is just the way of life and this reflects i the way our lives will always just happen, there is no control in that, much like we have no control over the sunset.
7. “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you.” — Yoda
This particular line from ‘The Phantom Menace’ is a very memorable one indeed and one that is often quoted or cited. It is a quote that has a lot of significance but also one that holds a lot of wisdom. In life, fear can lead to anger, which can lead to hate, which can lead to suffering. There is a lot of truth in this quote that can relate back to the way we all live our lives.
8. “I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.” — Jango Fett
This excellent quote can very much be related back to our every day life. Aren’t we all just simple men and women trying to make our way in the universe? This is a quote that can very much be related to and outlines the simplicity of people’s lives. This is a quote that I’m sure a lot of people can relate to, and one that i’m sure is often quoted by many people in the world.
9. “You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you.” — Obi-Wan Kenobi
This was arguably one of the best and most significant lines in the Star Wars movie ‘Revenge of the Sith’ but it is also one of the most sorrowful lines in the entire Star Wars series. It comes during a big moment in the storyline and so is a highly significant quote that goes down as being an iconic Star Wars quote due to its timing and the events surrounding the quote.
10. “You know, no matter how much we fought, I’ve always hated watching you leave.”— Leia Organa
This is one of the greatest lines and one of the best moments between Han and Leia. Leia and Han were clearly never destined to have a quiet, ordinary life together. Especially after ‘Return of the Jedi’ with Leia’s new duties within the New Republic Senate. This quote really outlines their bittersweet relationship and goes down as an iconic quote highlighting exactly what their relationship was like.
11. “Oh, my dear friend. How I’ve missed you.” — C-3PO
This is a wonderful line that clearly outlines exactly what the audience was thinking at the time it was stated in the plot. When R2-D2 finally awakens from a long sleep, C-3PO comes out with this iconic line – exactly what the audience would also want to say at that point. This iconic line also symbolises the audience’s feelings about reuniting with Han, Luke, and Leia. This was at a very memorable and iconic stage of the Star Wars series.
12. “I’m one with the Force. The Force is with me.” — Chirrut Îmwe
The force lives in everyone. It doesn’t just exist within the Jedi’s and the Sith’s, but in all living creatures. Chirrup cherishes and takes on that idea through his deeply religious life on Jedha. This is an important quote within the Star Wars movie ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ and is one that is very memorable to all Star Wars fans.
13. “Every time I walked away from something I wanted to forget, I told myself it was for a cause that I believed in. A cause that was worth it. Without that, we’re lost.” — Cassian Andor
Within this quote, Cassian is showing Jyn Erso what it means to truly devote yourself to a worthy cause. A quote that is very meaningful, informative and educational. This particular quote contains information that we can all learn from and adapt into our real lives. If something is worth fighting for and you truly believe in something, then it is all worth it.
14. “Hope.” — Leia Organa
Although just a single word, this quote includes so much drama and significance – enough so to make it onto our list of the best and most memorable Star Wars quotes. This quote was so significant in the final of the Star Wars movies because the sound editor Matthew Wood had gone through all of the old film archives and managed to find this original quote form Carrie Fisher’s 1997 recording of Leia’s famous message to Obi-Wan Kenobi form the Star Wars movie ‘A New Hope’. This message of “hope” bring the Star Wars series to a close with a full circle.
We hope that you enjoyed this list of the best and most memorable Star Wars quotes.
Did you enjoy this list of Star Wars quotes? Perhaps you know of some Star Wars quotes or have some favourite Star Wars quotes of your own that you think should be on this list? Or maybe you have some stories about Star Wars that you would like to share with us? We would love to hear them! Please leave a comment in the comment section below this article.
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Tina Gray is a freelance journalist, theatre enthusiast and aspiring author. She has a passion for telling stories through various mediums and regularly writes for various online publications. Her short stories will soon be published in her first volume. Currently, she resides in the San Fernando Valley and is studying screenwriting.
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