Every one of us looks forward to getting married someday. But all the negative things happening within marriages that we have witness around us will sometimes cause us to shy away from getting our unions legitimated in weddings. And we talk of our fears with families and friends and they most of the times come up with wedding quotes they quote from famous love songs, movies, books, poems, stories and TV shows to convince us that it takes constant effort and resilient desires to make any kind of relationships, most of all marriages work.
We may need lots of pounding with romantic and inspirational wedding quotes and sayings or sometimes hearing only a few will be enough. In the first place a wedding is what our hearts have desired; merely our mind took over at the last minute. We just want to hear some expert’s opinion, to help nudge us on our way. Or just like any other human we just a little reassurance that we are not going to be all alone in that venture.
Best Wedding Quotes and Sayings
1.) It is only when a mosquito lands on…
One of the few funny wedding quotes that remind us to always think twice before we choose to use violence in any difficult and trying situation we face.
2.) The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.
We should not be in a rush to give up on each other when troubles start to pile up.
3.) You’re in my heart; you’re in my soul…
A sweet way of telling our other half that they are important to us and we need them in our lives, like we need the air we breathe.
4.) It’s not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages
Those who go through marriage life as happy and contented as they could possibly be, are those who went into marriage after they have been through a lot of tough and memorable times as friends.
5.) Sometimes you have to be apart from people you love…
So you’ll know how much you’re going to miss them when they are away.
6.) You simply complete me.
Simple but very meaningful wedding quotes for saying “I Love You”.
7.) When I tell you I Love You…
Don’t brush me off and think that what I’m saying is a joke, because I really mean what I say when I tell you, “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me”.
8.) Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other…
We don’t have to limit our view of the world to only the two of us who are in the relationship. Noticing the off beam stuffs in each other and slowly creating a gap as time goes by. We should be together and focused on the same course as we seek the beauties the world has.
9.) If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus…
I can’t bear the thought of existing in this world without you by my side. I want to live all my life with you.
10.) Love is not finding someone to live with…
Originally posted in Pinterest by saintbarthcom
It should have a deeper meaning and purpose like finding the only person that can make you happy.
11.) You will forever be my always.
It means that only with you I can live happily in this world and I want us to be together even in the other life.
12.) Marriage is…
Must be always considered as an adventure with your best friend so the two of you will not become unhappy and bored with each other’s’ presence. You are going to be always excited and on the lookout for your bestfriends’ new stories you’re going to share before you go to sleep happy in each other’s presence.
13.) For this reason a man will…
In marriage only the two of you entered into a contract to cherish each other until the day you die, family and friends are there only to provide moral and physical support at times when you desperately need them.
14.) You’re the strangest person I ever met…
Love developed into it’s current strength level because of our new found dissimilarities that makes each of us more attractive to one another because of the novelty of you and me.
15.) I promise to remember that neither one of us is…
Always remember why you choose your partner, your special someone in the first place. What attracted you to her or him when you were still dating, and keep that to rekindle the flame of romance every time it starts to fade.
16.) A cord of three strands…
This wedding quotes and sayings is a reminder that only in combining our weak individual strength we can become strong and solid to face all the hard times that come.
17.) Once in a while in the middle of an ordinary life; love gives us a fairytale.
It’s not going to be all hard and difficult; the future we have to face because in the past, there were always instances that we were shown the beauty that were created out of love.
18.) As soon as I saw you…
There are times that we feel we already know the person the first time we meet them; and we feel happy and overjoyed to have finally met them because we know we are going to have fun with them many times in the near future and for the rest of our lives through fate’s generosity.
19.) You meet thousands of people, and none of them really touch you…
And then you suddenly met one person and you know there and then that person is the one you want to spend the rest of your life with and grow old with.
20.) You completely stole my heart and now you won’t let go.
You feel deeply and irreversibly in love and you have no plans of getting out of there.
21.) I’ll hold you in my heart until I can hold you in my arms.
You tell each other that you are always there and are forever looking forward to the days when you two could be together, even for just a short period, in between deployments or before they go someplace else to do what they have sworn to do for the good of many.
22.) I can be your Tinkerbell and you can be my Peter Pan…
One way of telling a special someone that you want to be their other half and willing to complement their ways as partner in achieving the happy life you both are after.
23.) Always and Forever; You are what happened when I wished upon a star.
You wished for someone to love and love you in return, although they will not be literally dropped in front of us, without doubt you are going to meet the one you’ve wished for, cherish that person for he/she is the answer to your wish and the one person that’s going to make your life complete.
24.) Love is sweet enjoy a treat…
We should always be thankful for finding not only the person that we are going to closely spend the rest of our lives with but also of the people around us that are our foundation for care.
25.) His forever was as simple as her smile.
A man’s contentment is almost always dependent on his love one’s happiness.
26.) Hold hands every chance you can…
There are many ways to keep the flame of contentment and adoration burning in any relationship; marriage, family and even with friendships.
27.) His hello was the end of her endings…
There will come a time that we as a man or a woman are going to finally met our one true love that could fulfill all our life’s desire for happiness, we have to finally settle with that and seek no more.
28.) Cause all of me loves all of you…
In marriage although we lose some aspects of our personal life we know we are winning because we have become strengthened.
29.) We weren’t sure about this until…
With marriage it also pays to be sometimes funny and view life as lightly as possible.
30.) Alcohol because no great love story ever started with a salad.
Not all successful love stories started with appropriate and romantic moments; some are happy outcomes of drunken stupors.
31.) Here’s to the nights that turned into mornings…
Viewing the early mornings in bed as couples as happy and perfect because someone who was once a friend has now become the most important part of your family.
32.) You took a heart so black and blue…
Give back to the one who happily and freely provided them to you, all the loving that you have received.
Powerful wedding quotes to inspire you and your loved ones.
These may succeed in removing the fears and convince us to proceed with the love we have found. And there are those of us who don’t need any form of convincing because the promise of blissful happiness from becoming one with a special someone makes us fearless. These wedding quotes will still be useful for us in helping relay our thoughts and feelings with our wedding invitation and thank you cards. These can be useful too in adding magic to wedding anniversary cards for our spouses, friends and family.
A lot of wedding quotes and sayings can be heartwarming and cheering words, full of wisdom to inspire couples who are already feeling tired of troubles and hardships in their relationships. In the end they decide to give up on their marriages. Many of these inspirational words and sweet love words were able to stop a lot of relationships and marriages from failing. They were able to recover and become strengthened in their union after reading and hearing these magical, funny, romantic and uplifting words of wisdom.
Tina Gray is a freelance journalist, theatre enthusiast and aspiring author. She has a passion for telling stories through various mediums and regularly writes for various online publications. Her short stories will soon be published in her first volume. Currently, she resides in the San Fernando Valley and is studying screenwriting.
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