If you have ever had a gut instinct or strange feeling about something, it could be your intuition guiding you through life. These quotes can help explain it.
Best Intuition Quotes to Help You Trust Your Gut
Intuition is the ability to know or understand something without any proof, facts or reason. There are many different ways to explain intuition. Some people claim that it is direct access to unconscious knowledge.
Others claim that it is an inner sight or the ability to understand something on a conscious level instead of a rational one. Most people agree that intuition is something that helps guide people through life and prevent them from making mistakes or missing out on opportunities.
How We Chose Our Ratings
We know our readers want accurate and trustworthy information. When it comes to choosing the best intuition quotes, we put in a lot of research and time to find the best. Quotes should inspire and motivate people, so we chose the ones that made the most sense and were the most moving. Some things we took into consideration when choosing these quotes include,
- Meaning
- Clarity
- Relevance
- Impact
- Person quoted
Top 15 Quotes About Intuition
If you are curious about intuition and how it can affect your life, you may want to know what other people have to say about it. Everyone has had experience with their own intuition at some point in life. Many acted on it, and others ignored it. Either way, it led them to make a decision that impacted their lives in one way or another. Here are some intuition quotes that can help you trust your own feelings.
“Never discredit your gut instinct. You’re not being paranoid. Your body can pick up vibrations, some better than others, and if something deep inside you says something’s not right about a person or situation, trust it and keep it pushing.”
“Cease trying to work everything out with your minds. It will get you nowhere. Live by intuition and inspiration and let your whole life be Revelation.”
Eileen Caddy
“The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you, and you don’t know why or how.”
Albert Einstein
“Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind… The understanding can intuit nothing, the senses can think nothing. Only through their union can knowledge arise.”
Immanuel Kant
“The goal for having greater wisdom isn’t to learn to use larger portions of your brain. It’s about developing your intuition, your conscious connection, and relationship with your Spirit part of you. As you flow this Energy of your Spirit Self more and follow your clear Guidance, you are accessing greater wisdom in your life. Using your intuition more is what then activates greater portions of your brain and gives you more wisdom.”
Karen Whitaker
“Intuition is always right in at least two important ways; It is always in response to something. It always has your best interest at heart.”
Gavin De Becker
“Listen to your inner voice, for it is a deep and powerful source of wisdom, beauty, and truth, ever flowing through you. Learn to trust it, trust your intuition, and in good time, answers to all you seek to know will come, and the path will open before you.”
Caroline Joy Adams
“What many refer to as intuition, then, is not the untaught or unteachable but instead is a learned understanding and respect of process, molded by experience and refined over a great deal of time and practice.”
Jon Kolko
“No matter how deep a study you make. What you really have to rely on is your own intuition, and when it comes down to it, you really don’t know what’s going to happen until you do it.”
Konosuke Matsushita
“Your Inner Being is able to accurately assess all of the details of your wanting, and to intricately prioritize your subjects of desire. Your Inner Being knows which of your intentions are dominant, which supersedes another, and so on. Your Inner Being not only considers the factors of this physical experience, but remembers the intentions that you held at the time of your emergence into this body, and all of those intentions are factored into the equation for Guidance.”
Abraham/Esther Hicks
“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drown your own inner voice. Everything else is secondary.”
Steve Jobs
“Come from the heart, the true heart, not the head. When in doubt, choose the heart. This does not mean to deny your own experiences and that which you have empirically learned through the years. It means to trust yourself to integrate intuition and experience.”
Brian L. Weiss
“Trusting your intuition means tuning in as deeply as you can to the energy you feel, following that energy moment to moment, trusting that it will lead you where you want to go and bring you everything you desire.”
Shakti Gawain
“Intuition is neither the ability to engage prophesy nor a means of avoiding financial loss or painful relationships. It is actually the ability to use energy data to make decisions in the immediate moment.”
Carolyn Myss
“All societies, ancient or modern, primitive or sophisticated, have guided themselves by values and goals rooted in the experience of deep intuition.”
Willis Harman
We are living through one of the most fundamental shifts in history- a change in the actual belief structure of Western society. No economic, political, or military power can compare with the power of a change of mind. By deliberately changing their images of reality, people are changing the world.
Tips To Help You Learn More About Your Intuition
If you have strong feelings or intuition but want to have a better understanding of it, there are few things you can do. The more you listen to these feelings and trust your gut, the better choices you can make in life. Knowing how to listen to your intuition and use it to guide you through life, can make your life a little easier and possibly a little better.
Keep A Journal
Anytime you get a feeling of intuition, write it down. You may not be ready to act on that feeling, but writing it down will allow you to look back on it. You may find that you get the same feeling over and over again. You may act on a different feeling or for a different reason and then realize that your intuition was also guiding you towards that action.
Don’t Criticize Yourself
Most people are too hard on themselves and aren’t willing to trust themselves to make intuitive decisions. They would rather use facts and reasons to come up with an idea than trust themselves. Don’t criticize or doubt yourself and you will be more open to your gut feelings.
Think In A Quiet Place
We are often distracted from our intuition by all the noise and happenings that take place in our daily lives. It’s hard to listen to your inner thoughts when you can’t hear anything above the noise of life. Give yourself time to reflect on your feelings and listen to your intuitions. Find a quiet place and relax. You might be surprised by what you learn about yourself.
Keep A Record
Once you have kept a journal of your intuition and feelings, keep a record of whether or not they are right or how things turned out. Write down if you follow them or ignored them and how things turned out as a result of your actions.
This will help you determine if your intuition is right most of the time or not and can help you decide if following it is the right thing to do. Remember every situation is different, so just because your gut instincts were right or wrong one time, doesn’t mean things will work out the same in a different scenario.
How Intuition Quotes Can Inspire You
It can be hard to let your guard down and trust a feeling. We are taught to use reasoning and information we gain from experience to make decisions. Making tough decisions based on our thoughts and feelings seem risky. Intuition is there for a reason.
While we may not understand it on a scientific level, most people have come to realize that their intuition is usually correct. Reading intuition quotes from others is a great way to learn about your own intuition. It tells you that you aren’t alone in your experiences and that other people have been in the same situation.
You can see how these people acted on their inner voices and the ways things turned out for them. Just getting a better understanding of their opinions towards intuition can also be helpful.
Intuition Guide
While inner voices and feelings might guide you down the right pass, you still need to be cautious. Your intuition can be helpful in many situations, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore facts or common sense.
Always focus on the moment and determine if the decision you need to make should be based on feelings or facts. If you can use both to your benefit, then do so. There’s a fine line between rational thinking and overthinking. Intuition can help you stay on the right side of that line.
Tina Gray is a freelance journalist, theatre enthusiast and aspiring author. She has a passion for telling stories through various mediums and regularly writes for various online publications. Her short stories will soon be published in her first volume. Currently, she resides in the San Fernando Valley and is studying screenwriting.
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