Monday is the start of the week and it has always been the unspoken enemy of people who totally enjoyed their weekends. Well, that’s quite a lot of people. It is a known fact that we really can’t get rid of Monday off the days of the week, people need to get up and pretty much drag their asses off the bed and start working the day. Monday mornings are the most dreaded moment of the week. It is a sign that a new work week has to start and that we must say goodbye to the bliss and comfort of Saturday and Sunday. Do not let this dreadful moment become something so related to Monday. Here is some Monday quotes that you will surely enjoy!
Remember that Mondays should be welcomed with great enthusiasm, enormous hope, and a tank full of energy. With that said, we have prepared for you the most inspiring Monday quotes to help you liven up this quite not-so-energetic moment of the week. Our Monday Quotes will help you find your perspective to start your week right. Yes, it is hard to drag yourself out of bed after a very cozy and comfortable weekend. But what can we do? You need to live life so starting life means you need to start your week. To start your week, let these funny Monday quotes be your fuel to success. Together with these Good Morning Quotes and Good Morning Love Quotes for Him or Her, you will be full of inspiration to start the week of right, right? Here we go! Enjoy reading these Monday quotes just for you.
Inspirational Monday Quotes For You to Start Happy
1. “Monday Morning Blues? Why not change the color of your Monday to yellow and brighten up the coming week?” —Kanika Saxena
2. “Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” —Jim Rohn
3. “You don’t need a New Year to make a change. All you need is a Monday.”
4. “OK, it’s Monday but who said Mondays have to suck? Be a rebel and have a great day anyway.” —Kimberly Jiménez
5. “The worst Monday is the one that gets wasted for nothing.”
6. “Mondays are for fresh starts.”
7. “Gotta make every single day count, no matter what day it is.”
8. “Monday is the perfect day to correct last week’s mistakes.”
9. “What starts on Monday should carry through to Friday; that is, enthusiasm.” —Byron Pulsifer
10. “You are in control. Never allow your Monday to be manic.” —Andrea L’Artiste
11. “It’s Monday. Get a new perspective. Whatever obstacle you’re facing—it’s not permanent.”
12. “There are many opportunities in every single day, and Monday is the perfect day to seize them all.” —Isabella Koldras
13. “This is your Monday morning reminder that you can handle whatever this week throws at you.”
14. “Hey, I know it’s Monday. But it’s also a new day and a new week. And in that lies a new opportunity for something special to happen.” —Michael Ely
15. “Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up & chase them.” —Kristin
16. “Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier and healthier life.” —Germany Kent
17. “Mondays are the start of the work week which offer new beginnings 52 times a year!” —David Dweck
18. “When you start to do the things that you truly love, it wouldn’t matter whether it’s Monday or Friday; you would be so excited to wake up each morning to work on your passions.” —Edmond Embiaka
19. “Believe on Monday the way you believe on Sunday.” —Rita Schiano
20. “Even the best weeks start with Monday.” —Nice Peter
21. “Mondays are tough only for those people who don’t know how to spend them cheerfully. Get up and have fun today!”
22. “This should be the spirit every Monday. Know that something good will always happen.” —Gabriel García Márquez
23. “Monday is for people with a mission.” —Cristina Imre
24. “Begin the week with momentum and you’ll look back with great satisfaction on all you achieved.” —Skip Prichad
25. “The sun himself is weak when he first rises; and gathers strength and courage as the day gets on.” —Charles Dickens
26. “Don’t let Monday win. Win Monday. Drink coffee.”
27. “Mindset is what separates the best from the rest. Happy Monday!”
28. “When life gives you Monday, dip it with glitter and sparkle all day.”
29. “New Monday. New week. Let nothing stop you from reaching your goal.”
30. “Do what you love and you’ll never have a problem with Monday.”
31. Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.
This should be the spirit of every Monday. Know that something good will always happen. When you wake up on a Monday morning, you should feel happy, inspired, and motivated to make the best start to the week. Monday is the perfect day for a fresh start, so make something great happen for yourself today.
32. Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
You could have fallen the last week but not this week. Rise and fight! Rising when we have fallen is one of life’s simple pleasures. It’s easy to do and can always make you feel great.
33. To be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work.
Mondays will not be hard if you love your work. If Mondays are hard, perhaps, you need to do a second thinking. Most people spend their Sunday nights worrying about the week ahead. However, if you choose to do something that you love, then you will never need to worry about a day in your life.
34. Spend life with who makes you happy, not who you have to impress.
If you meet people who make you happy on Mondays, then it won’t be as hard. If you’re a man of simple pleasures, then you will find satisfaction in simply being around good people. For some people, all they really need is good people to be around to feel content and happy.
35. Be who you are and say what you feel.
If you are dreadful to meet people who you don’t like, remember this. Just be you and every day, not just Mondays will be beautiful. Live the life that you want to live and nothing else will really matter. Trust in your own beliefs and the rest will fall into place.
36. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is…
Keep getting up on Mondays to reach your goals. A working day is never going to be a perfect day. However, you can make it a great day by working hard and doing something that you enjoy. Keep in mind, that if you have a positive Monday, then the rest of the week will usually look pretty good.
37. Today, you are you that is truer than true.
Remember that even if you hate Mondays because they ruin weekends, it is still a sign that you are alive. You are more important than anything that you’ve ever imagined, and the fact that you are living is a wonderful thing.
38. Be so happy that when others look at you, they become happy too.
If you make others happy, Mondays are no problem. People often make Monday morning wishes that their week is going to turn out great. However, you can make it great yourself by putting out positive vibes and energy.
39. Oh, come on. It’s Monday, not doomsday.
Work hard and inspire others to do the same. Just because it’s Monday doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. Monday is a great opportunity to take a chance at something new and prepare for a wonderful week ahead.
40. Rise Up & Attack the day with Enthusiasm.
Make it happen every day. Rise and Shine. Even if it’s not your favorite day of the week, working hard and inspiring others is always a great and rewarding thing to do. Every new day is a chance to shine bright.
41. I need something that’s more than coffee but less than cocaine.
The love of our lives will bring us all the energy that we need! One of the best feelings in the world is when you can hear the coffee machine grinding away on a Monday morning. Embrace that joyous feeling and attack the day with great enthusiasm.
42. Make Today Beautiful!
Make every day beautiful and you and the people around you will live a happy life. The thought of a beautiful day is wonderful, and you can make every day beautiful by channeling your inner positivity. Even on rainy days and Mondays, you can still make each day beautiful.
43. May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short.
And tomorrow there will be a new day. No matter how much you may hate Monday, it’s always worth working hard and having a positive impact every single day.
44. Don’t forget to be AWESOME.
Wake up and start your day with a lot of awesomeness and you will get happiness back. Every day can be awesome if you just let it be. There are amazing things that can happen each and every day if you just allow them to.
45. Dear Monday, I want to break up. I’m seeing Tuesday and dreaming about Friday. Sincerely, it’s not me, it’s you.
Our relationships with Monday are not as good as our relationship with the weekend. A lot of people hate Mondays, however, there is no reason to hate Mondays if you focus on making your Monday amazing.
46. It’s Monday. I’m Happy. I’m Blessed. God is going to do amazing things this week,
Monday is the day that opens up the week for many opportunities. There are so many opportunities every single day, and Monday is the perfect day to seize them all.
47. It’s a good day to have a good day!
If you start your day thinking it will be a good day, it will become a good day. Each and every day can become an amazing day if you simply allow it to. There is greatness built into each and every one of us and within each and every day.
48. Good things are going to HAPPEN.
If you believe in it it will happen to you. There are great things all around, and it’s important to remember that there are many great things that can happen to you if you just believe in them.
49. Don’t forget to be AWESOME.
Wake up and help 1 person a day. Be kind and it’ll get back to you. Positive energy is a powerful thing. If you release positive energy into the world, then the world is going to return that energy right back to you as a thank you.
50. Ok Monday, let’s do this!
Let’s kick as like every day of the week! Have a positive attitude going into every single Monday morning and you will wind up having an amazing week each time.
51. Turning your passion into your job is easier than finding a job that matches your passion.
Do something that you love and you will never have to work a day in your life. Find something that you enjoy doing and then make yourself a career out of it.
52. It’s Monday. Get a new perspective. Whatever obstacle you’re facing, it’s not permanent.
Every day you wake up is a day to make a change. No matter what obstacles lie in front of you, there are always ways to avoid them and come out shining even brighter on the other side.
53. How I feel on Monday, the perfect quote.
Monday doesn’t always have to be dull and dreary. All you have to do is focus and believe that something great is going to happen. Then just allow that greatness to shine upon you throughout the entire week.
54. Hello MONDAY!
Wake up with a coffee and a smile and your week will be worthwhile. Monday morning coffee is one of the best-tasting things on the planet and definitely one of the most rewarding things to drink.
Sometimes you just really need some motivation on Monday to get you going. Sit back over your cup of coffee and enjoy these kick-starting Monday Quotes and Sayings for everybody to wake up to. Enjoy the extra boost of inspiration, motivation, creativity, determination, and confidence you need to skyrocket your Monday. Or any day of the week when you need some motivation or inspiration for a Good Morning!
We always need the inspiration to start off our week. You may be off to school, work, or just living a difficult life, we need to be uplifted. Thus, these Monday quotes will help you be encouraged about what is to come. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Tuesday, a Wednesday, or a Thursday, we have to face every day of the week with a positive outlook. That is why these 55 Monday quotes will help you.
Martha lives in the Bay Area and is a dedicated reader of romance novels. She runs a yoga studio and taught yoga for many years. She always says that yoga fuels her writing. She’s also a vegetarian and advocate for living a healthy life. Martha has been writing for us for a while now, giving readers a glimpse into her lifestyle and work.
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