Hard work is not for the faint of heart.
In order to make your dreams come true, it requires tenacity. Whether you have a destination in mind or are just going with the flow, there’s no doubt that both take quite a bit of effort. Even on the most difficult days, it’s essential to stay motivated and positive. These hard work quotes will give you the boost you need to face the day.
A Bit About Hard Work Quotes
We all want to be successful, but it’s tough. However, reading over hard work quotes helps. Oftentimes, we look at the lives of others and wonder how they have the things they own, or go on expensive trips. But, it’s easy to look at the end result of someone’s hard work without understanding the process that it took to get them there. The good news is, you don’t have to daydream about being successful, or wish you were born into a rich family. You can have whatever your heart desires. If you need a boost of confidence, these hard work quotes will help you out.
Credit: Pixabay
What is hard work?
Hard work is going out everyday and dedicating yourself to accomplishing your dreams no matter what. And truth be told, it’s a struggle. Sometimes it’s not easy and takes an extreme amount of dedication. It means waking up at 5 am, to get a head start on your day or not going out with friends so you can focus on your dreams. It means sacrifice. If you’re willing to do that, there’s no stopping you.
What scenarios call for hard work quotes?
Let’s face it. There are times when things get rough and you need a “pick me up”. Everyone gets discouraged, and when that happens, there are resources like this list of hard work quotes to help get your head back in the game. Maybe you had a hard day or a set back in your goals…things like that can strip your motivation. But the important thing is to keep going.
What can we glean from hard work quotes?
You need to know that you’re not alone in your journey to success. Sometimes the road gets lonely, and reading hard work helps you realize that you’re not the only one facing certain challenges. And hopefully you walk away from this list feeling motivated to accomplish your goals. It’s important to be reminded of why you’re working so hard . We believe that you will gain the encouragement you need to go out, and conquer your fears and crush your goals.
Inspirational Hard Work Quotes
Are you in a slump? Do you need a push? No Worries. These hard work quotes will pull you through. Find one that speaks to your journey and apply it when you need some motivation.
1. “Be humble. Be hungry. And always be the hardest worker in the room.” -Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
A huge part of success is being humble. Sometimes others aren’t at a place in their life where they see the value in hard work. It’s important not to focus on those around you, but on yourself. If you don’t worry about what your peers are doing or not doing, you’ll be able to focus. And not only that, but you won’t be concerned about comparing yourself. You have to be so centered and lasered on your dreams, that you don’t have the energy to waste on anything or anyone that’s not helping you to the next level.
2. “If you aren’t willing to work for it. Don’t complain about not having it.”
As humans, it’s natural to complain. It’s like it’s our instinct to bicker when things don’t go our way. But that’s not how life works. You can’t complain about something and have it magically appear in your life. In other words, fussing does nothing to change your situation. As the saying goes, “If you don’t like something, change it”. It sounds easier said that done, but it’s true. Only hard work changes your circumstances. It’s like constantly saying you’re hungry, as your stomach growls, and not going in the kitchen to prepare a meal. There’s a solution to your problem, but you have to get up and take action to get results.
3. “You can’t get much done in life if you only work on days when you feel good. “
The truth is, you’re not always going to wake up feeling your best. Circumstances are going to happen that make you frustrated or upset. There will be unexpected events that throw a monkey wrench in your life, and guess what? You’ll have to push through it all. Of course you have the option to give up, but what good will that do you? As longs as you’re breathing, you’re going to have days when you don’t feel well. And if you only work on days when everything is perfect, you’ll probably only work less than half of your life. During bad times, there’s two word to remember…keep going.
4. “Work hard in silence. Let your success be your noise.” -Frank Ocean
A lot of times people mess up because they tell everyone around them what their plans are. The problem with that is , your peers aren’t always supportive. And when you don’t have your friends and family backing you, it can lead to discouragement. No matter how hard it is to hold in all of your bright ideas, it’s a smart idea to keep it to yourself. Unless, you have someone in your life who you can completely trust to be there for you.
Not only that, but unfortunately failure happens. What happens when your plans fall through? Or you change your mind and choose another path? You’ll have to explain to everyone what happened to that exciting venture you were taking part in. So shush for now, and let your success speak for you.
5. “Opportunity is missed by people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like hard work. ” –Thomas Edison
Mr. Edison had a good point when he made this statement. People have a tendency to want everything to fall into their laps without putting in any effort. But sometimes good opportunities are masked as hard work and unappealing situations. Sometimes you might have to take an intern position, before getting promoted to the big corner office. The thing is, your big break might not always be as elaborate as you pictured it. And it might take a few additional steps of hard work before your dream opportunity happens.
6. “It’s going to be hard, but it’s not impossible.”
No matter if your goal is to lose weight, start a business, go back to school or complete a marathon, it’s going to take hard work. But the thing is, it’s not impossible. It’s easy to look at the finish line, and it think getting to it is unattainable, but’s not true. Sometimes it’s easier to complete things a little bit at time. You’d be surprised at how fast you get to your goal by taking baby steps.
7. “Everything you do now is for the future.”
It’s easy to get caught up in your current situation, and finding yourself only concerned about what’s going on in the moment. And while that’s good with some aspects of life, you have to think about your future. It’s understandable, you think about a year from now, five and ten years from now, and it seems so far away. But the truth is, everyday that you wake up, you’re getting closer. So, do something today that your future will thank you for.
8. “Success is a decision.”
Sometimes good things happen unexpectedly, but for the most part, success doesn’t happen by a stroke of luck. And if you’re sitting around waiting for a leprechuan to lead you to a pot of gold, you’re guaranteed to be waiting forever. You have to make the choice that you want better. Everything starts with a decision. If you want a degree, you have to decide to go to school. If you desire your own clothing line, you have to start making clothes to advertise. Something as simple as buying a sewing machine can change your entire life. Make up your mind on what you want, and go for it.
9. “It’s hard to beat a person who doesn’t give up.” –Babe Ruth
When you’re determined to get to where you’re going, nothing or no one can stop you. No discouraging words or set backs can throw you off course. You have to have the tenacity that it takes to fight through, even when things aren’t easy. And although it’s sad, there are people who will kick you when you’re down or refuse to lend a helping hand; but don’t let it stop you. If you stay persistent, the people around you will be confused as to how you made it. Stay the course and you’ll win.
10. “One day, all of your hard work will pay off.”
The last thing to take away from this list is that hard work pays off…it has to. It’s like the law of nature, you get back what you put in. If you work diligently at something, it has to reward you at some point. Don’t get caught up in how difficult things are at the moment. And never forget why you’re working so hard. When you’re in the gym while everyone else is sleep, remember your reasons. When you awake extra hours to finish your work, remember why you’re doing it. And trust, when you see the results of your due diligence, it’ll make you appreciative of everything it took to get there.
Remember to never give up.
Everyone needs a cheerleader in their life, and we want to be that for you. As previously stated, hard work is not easy, and sometimes you’ll want to throw in the towel. But, quitters never win. If you have to read this list 1,000 times, do it. Keep yourself motivated and focused on the future.
If you liked this list, share it with anyone that you think could be uplifted by these hard work quotes, and leave us a comment in the section below.
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Martha lives in the Bay Area and is a dedicated reader of romance novels. She runs a yoga studio and taught yoga for many years. She always says that yoga fuels her writing. She’s also a vegetarian and advocate for living a healthy life. Martha has been writing for us for a while now, giving readers a glimpse into her lifestyle and work.
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