Laugh a little, it’s okay.
Are you in need of a chuckle today? If so, these cool quotes will help you see the bright side of things. Take a moment to read this list and we hope you enjoy your journey to a happy, successful life.
A Bit About Cool Quotes
Cool quotes are just what you need to get you through a dull day. When you think of quotes, you might think of something serious and profound, but sometimes a simple phrase can enlighten you. It’s good to laugh and not take life so seriously; it’ll help keep you sane. You should strive to focus on good things and don’t get distracted by your pitfalls.
Why are cool quotes important?
Every now and again, you want to read something positive. There’s so much negativity around, that sometimes you need to give your brain something fresh to think about. Sometimes you don’t have someone in your life that you can talk to, but you need encouragement. When you’re going through situations like that, positive quotes are just what you need to lift your spirit.
What can you learn from cool quotes?
Cool quotes can teach you how to take a chill pill. It’s easy to panic when things go wrong in your life, but you have to be reminded that things will be okay. After reading these quotes, you should feel encouraged to keep pushing forward. It’s easy to forget your past victories and all the good things that have happened in your life previously. But when you read quotes like these, they’ll help you to remember the previous times in your life when you’ve overcome difficulties and won; which will help you get the strength to not give up.
An Inspiring List Of Cool Quotes
This list of cool quotes is just what you need to to get a little laugh and some knowledge at the same time.
1. Don’t worry if plan A fails, there are 25 more letters in the alphabet.
This quote is funny, but it’s so true. Failure is apart of life and sometimes plan A doesn’t fall through and it’s okay. The good thing is that you can learn from your mistakes and find a way to do things better the next time. You’ve heard the phrase “practice makes perfect,” but that isn’t only true for sports and other activities; it’s true for everything. Even if you have a business, when you fail, it’s practice. You will learn things that will help you cultivate your craft, and that’s why you should embrace every setback.
2. “Just keep your cool and your sense of humor.” -Smiley Blanton
It’s easy to get swept away by your emotions when things go wrong. However, if you keep a positive attitude, it will help you work through tough times. Sometimes you have to keep your cool because when you’re not thinking clearly, you make bad decisions. When bad things happen, take a moment to breathe and think about the next step. The only thing you have control over is your attitude, therefore you should strive to put a smile on your face when particular circumstances arise.
3. “Forget the failures. Keep the lessons.”– Dalai Lama
The worst thing you can do is carry the weight of failure. When life doesn’t go the way you plan, it’s important to assess the situation. The lessons you learn are far more valuable than anything else because they equip you for the future. It doesn’t feel good to fail, but the reality is that you can’t avoid it. So what should you do? Well, instead of focusing on your downfall, concentrate on the lesson. You might not be in a good place, everything you learn from your setback will come in handy for the future.
4. “Confidence is contagious and so is a lack of confidence.” – Vince Lombardi
These cool quotes will make you think about things that you may have never thought of before. You have to take inventory of the people around you and make sure you’re not paying attention to negativity. Not only that but it’s important that you’re kind to yourself and walk with confidence. You have to make a decision to be the best version of yourself, no matter who’s around. It can sometimes be intimidating to be around people who might be smarter, more athletic, or more popular but don’t let them make you feel inferior. Believe in yourself and realize that there is something special about you that no one else on the planet has.
5. “The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” – E.E. Cummings
Life is short, and no one wants to live in sorrow. If you spend your time with your head hung down, you won’t feel very happy each day. Don’t waste the time you have on Earth feeling sorry for yourself; find something to smile about. Have you ever been around someone who complained all the time or bullied others with their words? Didn’t those people seem miserable? Well, even if you’re not a bully, if you walk around with a frown on your face, you’re going to repel a lot of people. Not only that but you’re going to feel bad as well. Practice smiling even when you don’t feel like it, and it’ll improve your mood.
6. “Personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of reference.” – Aristotle
Aristotle had the right idea with this quote. When he says personal beauty, he’s not just talking about your looks, but he’s talking about your essence; which is your personality. You can sell yourself better than anyone else can. Although letters of recommendation are nice, it doesn’t stand up to an attractive character. Have you ever seen someone in a particular position or job and wondered how they go there? Sometimes it’s not about knowledge or experience. Being effective in certain areas requires the ability to connect with people, and if you’re an upbeat person, others will be drawn to you. So, if you desire something, walk in confidence and be kind to others; you’d be amazed at how it will change your life.
7. “Knowledge is like underwear. It is useful to have it, but not necessary to show it off.” – Nicky Gumbel
This is one of the cool quotes that will make you laugh, but the analogy hits the nail on the head. No one likes a know-it-all; however, there’s nothing wrong with being smart. The main thing to remember is to have balance. When someone wants your expertise, they’ll ask for it. But, it’s never okay to rub your intelligence in someone else’s face. It’s funny that Nicky Gumbel used underwear to illustrate knowledge because underwear is something that should be hidden. Not only that, but it’s something that everyone has. Therefore, intellect should be used to help others in areas that don’t come naturally to them, but it shouldn’t be used to make people feel inferior.
8. “Cheer up, keep your spirits high, things are bound to get better!” – Anne Frank
Honestly, if Anne Frank can have a positive outlook on life after everything she endured, you can. Don’t get caught up on the negative side of life, but focus on the future. If you continue to let your current circumstances control your emotions, it’ll be hard to move forward. Do like Anne said and keep your spirits high, and make the most of your life!
9. “Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.” – Norman Vincent Peale
You’ve heard the phrase” It takes money to make money”, but that isn’t always true. Sometimes creative ideas and special opportunities open the door to success. Think about the people who get discovered on social media or through a random conversation at a coffee shop; all they did was put themselves out there. Sometimes it just takes a leap of faith to get you to the next level.
10. “The difference between greatness and mediocrity is often how an individual views a mistake.” – Nelson Boswell
Listen, you’re going to make mistakes, but you can’t focus on them. No matter what happens, you have to dust yourself off and keep moving forward. If you view every setback as an excuse to quit, you won’t get very far. But if you choose to take every failure and turn it into a lesson, you can achieve great things. Some of the most successful people in the world have made numerous mistakes but never gave up. Take the time to read some stories of wealthy people, inventors, and business people, and you’ll realize that failure doesn’t have to be ultimate defeat.
Do You Feel Better After Reading These Cool Quotes?
Did you enjoy these cool quotes? We hope you were able to gain some inspiration to take with you throughout your day. There’s nothing wrong with needing a pick-me-up from time to time, and this list is just what you need.
If you liked these cool quotes, share them on your social media and don’t forget to leave us a comment below!
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Martha lives in the Bay Area and is a dedicated reader of romance novels. She runs a yoga studio and taught yoga for many years. She always says that yoga fuels her writing. She’s also a vegetarian and advocate for living a healthy life. Martha has been writing for us for a while now, giving readers a glimpse into her lifestyle and work.
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