Being in love is one of the most complicated things in the world. Agree or not. It is that feeling that makes a person extremely happy for a moment and then overly depressed after a minute. When you are in love, you become a new different person. A new person with new and better perspective on things. Sometimes, however, with the intensity of love and the pain it gives at times, it can also make you into a moody and grumpy monster.
The feeling of love is so strong, whether reciprocated or not, that sometimes it becomes hard for someone to express it. In love, there are words that really bear strong, genuine, and passionate exclamations. These words were turned into quotes, in love quotes, those which help you express yourself better and classier whether you are that new formed person or that monster.
To help you bring your message of love out into the world, we have made a list of the top 27 in love quotes. Spread the love!
In Love Quotes For Lovers Everyday
1. Anyone can make you happy by doing something special. But only someone special…

Originally posted by lovequotes99
That is how strong love is. The mere presence of the person you love already makes you happy.
2. If I had a flower for every time you made me smile…
Love gives people so much happiness that they can’t even quantify.
3. If I could give you one thing in life, I would give…
Originally posted by tumblings
Sometimes, there are people who doubt the love they receive. This is a good quote for them to realize how special they are.
4. The sweetest things you can do for a girl…
Originally posted by lovequotesplus
All the little things makes a girl flutter like a little girl.
5. When I tell you I love you…
Originally posted by hdwallpaperfresh
Love is always best when expressed.
6. Whenever you are having a bad day…
Love can really make your day better.
7. Forever is a long time…
Living your life with someone you love makes it worthwhile.
8. You come to love not by finding the perfect person…
In love, there is no such thing as perfect persons… just two lovers finding beauty in each other.
9. I have a heart and that is true…
A very good one explanation of what love is.
10. Somewhere in her smile she knows…
Originally posted by wallimgs
A song from The Beatles.
11. I love you for all that you are…
Love the person as a whole and not just by those qualities you adore.
12. Sometimes being understanding is more important than being right…
When in love, you have to be more than in love…
13. One day…
Originally posted by wworldstyle
Love is such a sweet thing that it happens only once… cherish it and don’t let go.
14. It’s amazing how you can fall in love…
Love is not always love at first sight.
15. Without you, I’m nothing…
Originally posted by gradeclothing
Love is a masterpiece of two people, not just by one.
16. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height…
From the famous poet, a perfect rhyme to add in your letter of love.
17. The consciousness of loving and being loved…
Love, more than anything else, can give you so much happiness in your heart.
18. You made me feel beautiful when I thought I was nothing.
Originally posted by cutequotespictures
In love, people see you, not as a person, but as a treasure.
19. If you live to be 100…
In love, you wish to be with your someone forever.
20. You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.
In love, we must give all that we can.
21. Love is like a rubber band held at both ends by two people.
Originally posted by greetingsquotes
Love is held by two people.
22. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.
Just like love. It is felt with the heart and nothing else.
23. Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.
Originally posted by syndrella
24. Good relationships just don’t happen…
Love is a mixture of everything.
25. Forever is a long long time…
26. It’s nice to have someone in your life who can make you smile…
Originally posted by picphotos
Because of love, you feel happy inside.
One of the sweetest in-love quotes from Sophocles…
Feel Loved with In Love Quotes
These listed in love sayings are very useful for you, young couples or lovers or anyone, of which you can use to ignite your love for each other or to keep you reminded that love is a very special thing. That it is one of the best feelings ever. Be in love, stay in love and keep the love. Always remember, though, that love said in words is nothing without actions. You cannot just express it in a love message and do nothing about it. Actions should emanate the words you speak. Surely then, the love you long for will come hugging you back.
Feel free to check our ultimate top 40 love songs for more amazing love.
Tina Gray is a freelance journalist, theatre enthusiast and aspiring author. She has a passion for telling stories through various mediums and regularly writes for various online publications. Her short stories will soon be published in her first volume. Currently, she resides in the San Fernando Valley and is studying screenwriting.
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